41- Close Proximity

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Raelyn's P.O.V.

Although it was difficult, I managed to convince Jules to wait until after the Full Moon, to talk about what happened to Mason

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Although it was difficult, I managed to convince Jules to wait until after the Full Moon, to talk about what happened to Mason. I knew that if I had told her right then and there, knowing the Full Moon was tonight, it would've brought alot more trouble than we needed, the night of Tyler's first transformation. So, for most of the day, we searched for Tyler. Last thing I need is Jules starting a war with the Salvatores right now.. Shaking out of my thoughts, Jules and I walk into the Grill, before looking around for Tyler. Seeing one of Tyler's friends, I point towards him, before heading forward, Jules following after me. "Hey, Matt, right?" I call out, stopping him. "Yea, that's me. What's up Rae?" Matt asks. "Have you seen Tyler? I was supposed to meet him here." I say. "Yeah, he left a few hours ago with Caroline. Didn't say where they were going though." Matt says. "Caroline?" I ask shocked. "Yeah, you know her right? She's Blonde, about my age.." Matt explains. That's the Vampire that was with Elena and I right? When did they start hanging out..? Shaking out of my thoughts, I nod. "Uh, yeah, yeah I know her. Alright, thanks Matt. We'll leave you be." I say.

Damon's P.O.V.

I watch the She-Wolf and a woman looking to be in her early 30's, as they talk to Matt. "Hmm, looks like the She-Wolf found Mason's mystery woman." I say. "Yeah. Where is Mason anyway?" Alaric asks. "Decomposing in his truck." I say matter of factly. Alaric shakes his head. "So, you think she's a Werewolf too?" He asks. "Well, I hope not, afterall it is a full moon, Ric. But, we should definitely find out." I say, pulling out a small bag, and shaking it. "And what is that?" He asks. I pass it over to him. "Wolf's Bane." I say. "And how do you expect to get that to her, when Rae is literally standing next to her. She knows both our faces. The moment any of us try anything, she'll alert the other one." He asks. "Way ahead of you." I say, spotting a young waitress walking towards us. "S'cuse me miss, could you help me?" I ask, catching her attention. She looks me up and down with interest. "Of course I will, how can I help?" She asks with a seductive smile. I smirk and make eye contact. "I need you to take that drink in your hand, and 'accidentally' spill it all over the woman with the Black leather jacket, that's talking to Matt Donovan." I say, using my compulsion. She vacantly nods her head, before making her way over to the She-Wolf.

Raelyn's P.O.V.

Right as we're about to leave Matt, a young girl crashes into me, spilling her drink all over me. My eyes widen and I stiffen up, as I feel the cool liquid seeping into my shirt. "Oh..! I-I'm so sorry! I should've watched where I was going..!" The girl says, horrified at her actions. "Rae, you okay?" Jules asks concerned. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm just gonna head to the ladies room. Go ahead and find a seat. I'll be back in a bit." I say, giving the girl one more glance, before pushing past her, and walking away.

Damon's P.O.V.

"Tada!" I say sarcastically. Alaric sighs and shakes his head. "You're an a**." Ric says, trying not to laugh. "C'mon, we better hurry, and conduct your test, before Rae comes back." He says. "After you.." I say, motioning for him to go first. Once close enough, Ric starts to sway drunkenly, before plopping onto a chair next to the woman. "Well hello~" Ric says, perfectly playing the drunk guy role. "Can I have a scotch, and whatever this beautiful woman is drinking?" He asks the bartender. "Oh, no, one's my limit." The woman says. "Aw c'mon, it's not like I'm a freak. I'm just being friendly to somebody who's new to town." Ric says with a drunken smirk. The woman sighs and laughs reluctantly. "Okay, if you insist. How do you know I'm new?" She asks. "Because I have never seen you here before, and I am here...every night." He says with a wink. My turn..

"S'cuse me, is this guy bothering you?" I ask, walking to her other side. She looks to me. "I, am not bothering anybody.." Ric says defensively. "Perfect. Well, do it elsewhere." I say, motioning him to leave. He rolls his eyes, just as the drinks he orders appear. Seeing the woman still looked to me, Ric quickly places some of the Wolf's Bane in her drink, stirring it quickly. "Don't worry. He's harmless. He's sort of a-- well, the town drunk, y'know? When we get tired of him, we just put him in a cab, and send him back to wherever he came from." I say with a charming smirk, earning a quiet laugh from her. "Oh c'mon, don't talk about me like I'm not here." Ric says, pushing her drink to her. "Right, and why are you here again?" I ask him. He scoffs and raises his drink to toast us. "Oh and thank you for the drink." The woman says. With that, Ric nods and leaves.

Raelyn's P.O.V.

I grab a few more paper towels, as I continue to wipe off the drink

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I grab a few more paper towels, as I continue to wipe off the drink. "You've gotta be kidding me. This was my good shirt too." I say, cursing under my breath as I continue to scrub. As I do, I check the clock on the wall. Seeing it was almost 7:30pm, I stop scrubbing, eyes widening. Dammit..! I didn't realize how late it got! I've gotta get to Tyler..! Disposing of the towels I used, I hurry out the back door, forgetting all about Jules, who still waited for me at the bar.

I start to feel the curse slowly creeping up my spine, while I'm running. Sh*t..! I haven't even started setting my chains up! I should've left earlier! As I ran, I'm too preoccupied with my thoughts, to pay attention to what's around me. Due to me being distracted, I crash into someone. "Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I apologize, before beginning to run once more. Due to being in such a hurry, I don't even notice the man I ran into.

Elijah's P.O.V.

I watch silently, as the She-Wolf runs off into the surrounding woods

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I watch silently, as the She-Wolf runs off into the surrounding woods. "She is certainly cutting it close.." I think outloud, noticing the time on the town's clock, while dusting myself off, and straightening my suit. Let us hope the object I slipped onto her person, is not lost in her transformation. Although I did not doubt her ability to protect herself, Jonas had insisted. Well, I suppose it would not hurt to have. With my business there now finished, I continue onto my next destination.

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