73- The Hybrid (FIXED)

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Author's Note- Funny story, for some reason, when I updated this chapter the first time, it reverted back to a previous draft that made no sense what so ever. -_- ANYWAY, all fixed, hope ya enjoy! ^_^

A couple hours later..

"Up here to the right, is my room. Tyler's is across from mom's room." I say, as I open the door. Elijah nods his head, admiring the many pictures strewn across the walls of the hall. Shortly after Elena had left, it started to rain, so we retreated inside the house. With nothing else to do, we had simply wandered the house. This, soon turned into a tour of the rest of the house. "I must admit, I was a bit curious. I never did see the rest of the house during my visits here." He says, peering inside my room. "I'm surprised mom never took you around the house, she's very proud of it." I say. As he looks around, his eyes soon find something that catches his attention, and he walks inside. Confused why he suddenly entered my room, I watch as he walks to the nightstand, and reaches for something. What is he..? Before I can finish that sentence, he turns towards me. "This man standing beside you, I do not recognize him." He says, holding out a picture frame.

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Seeing the picture of Mason pinching my cheeks, to get me to smile for the picture, my eyes widen, before narrowing in sadness

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Seeing the picture of Mason pinching my cheeks, to get me to smile for the picture, my eyes widen, before narrowing in sadness. Stepping inside, I gently take the picture frame from him, placing my hand over the image, as echoes of the day that picture was taken, play within my mind, only to be replaced by the last time we were together. Shaking my head, I chase away the memories, and speak. "No, you wouldn't know him. He was...gone...before you got here.." I say, before gently returning the picture to my nightstand. Hearing the tone of my voice, Elijah speaks. "A Lover, perhaps?" He asks. I sigh and shake my head. "No. He...was my Uncle.." I say quietly. Hearing this, he tilts his head slightly. "Was?" He asks. I nod my head silently. "Yeah.." I say quietly. "His passing...was it recent..?" Elijah asks, putting the pieces together. Sighing, I slowly look towards him. "Yeah.." I trail off, lowering my head. "I see...you have my condolences.." he says, quietly. For a few moments, we're both silent. But after a while, I snap out of it, and speak. "Anyway, um, we should...finish the tour.." I say, walking to the doorway a bit too quickly.

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