50- Tempers Flare..

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"He's Dead, Tyler. He was murdered." She says. Hearing this, Tyler's eyes widen, before he quickly shakes his head. "No, no way." He says, denying what was just said. "If you're reacting like that, then I take it she also never told you the culprit.." she says, trailing off. "Stop." He says. She sighs. "You wanna know who murdered him?" She asks. "No, just stop." He says, still in denial. "Your little Blonde Vampire did." She says. "No, Rae wouldn't hide that from me, and Caroline would never do that." He says. "Well she did, Tyler. As for Caroline, she and her little Vampire friends were behind Mason's death." She says. "No way, Caroline is the only Vampire in town." He says. She furrows her brows. "Is that what Caroline told you? She lied. This town, is crawling with Vampires, and your Sister knows it!" She says quietly, shocking him further.

After a few moments, Tyler shakes his head in denial. "I'm sorry, Tyler. I know this can't be easy to hear, but there's more.." she trails off, getting his attention. "Your sister tried to convince me to let the Vampires get away with it, earlier.." she says, trailing off again, with a sigh. "The Vampires must be forcing her to keep quiet and stay out of it. But don't worry, we'll get them, and once they're gone, your sister will be safe." She says. "Who are you?" He asks, fed up. "I'm your friend. Look, there are others like us, and they're on their way. It won't be long now." She says, earning a shocked look from Tyler.

After a few moments of silence, she speaks. "Anyway, I'm not asking you to help us, I just thought that you should know the truth. I'll leave you to your thoughts now." She says, grabbing her things, and standing. Just as she's about to leave, Tyler speaks. "I'm in." He says, making her stop in her tracks. A victorious smile crosses her face. Bingo..

Raelyn's P.O.V.

An hour later..

After seeing Tyler wasn't home, I decide to go look for him. However, just as I step outside of the house, I see Tyler slowly walking up the driveway. Sighing in relief, I hurry over to him. "There you are! I've been looking for you! What happened to you back at the school? One minute you're there and the next you.." I trail off, seeing the look on his face, as he stops, once I reach him. I furrow my brows. "Ty?" I ask, stopping in front of him. "What's with the face? What's wrong..?" I ask concerned. "Mason's dead." He says. I furrow my brows. But, just as I'm about to speak, he cuts me off. "But you already knew that, didn't you." He says, crossing his arms over his chest. "..what..?" I ask, eyes widening. He scoffs, shaking his head. "Don't bother answering that, it's written all over your face." He says, anger and hurt in his expression. "Ty.." I trail off, reaching for his hand. Just as I'm about to reach it, he pulls it away. "How long?" He asks, stepping back. I sigh, reaching for him again. "Ty-" he cuts me off. "How long, Rae?" He asks in agitation.

Hearing this, seeing his expression, I let my hand fall, with a sigh

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Hearing this, seeing his expression, I let my hand fall, with a sigh. "A while.." I say quietly. "How long is a while? A few hours? Days? Weeks?" He asks, watching my expression carefully. I avert my gaze, not wanting to say, knowing what would come next if I did. "Was it Jules..?" I ask, evading the question. "Just answer the god damn question, Rae. How long is a while?" He asks annoyed. I sigh and look away. I know Jules had something to do with this...dammit Jules..! I curse under my breath, shaking my head. No use hiding it, the damage is already done.. "Since the text was sent from his phone That Day.." I say with a sigh. Hearing this, he nods his head. "So, all this time, you've known, and didn't think to tell me? To tell mom?" He asks. "Wow. Just, wow." He says, pushing past me. My eyes begin to burn.

Clenching my hands into fists, I blink the burning away, and turn. "Tyler, you have to understand, I did it to protect you!" I say desperately. He turns on the balls of his feet. "To protect me?! Are you serious right now?! When have you ever protected me from anything?! Ever since you arrived everything that could go wrong, has! Dad and Uncle Mason are dead. I'm now a Werewolf. The town's full of Vampires. Where the hell is this protection you keep mentioning, huh?!" He snaps at me. I close my eyes in defeat. "Believe it or not, I am protecting you every day! That's all I've ever done since coming back to this god forsaken town! Yes, I know I failed to stop the curse from triggering on you, and I will always hate myself for that! But, at least you're still breathing!" I snap back, following after him as he tries to leave. "Dammit Tyler, you have no idea what I've had to do; what I still have to do; to make sure you and mom are safe! Every f***ing moment of every f***ing day, I am out there, making sure you're safe from harm!" I continue. Hearing this, he growls, and jams his pointer finger to my chest. "Because you won't tell me! How the f*** am I supposed to know anything when you refuse to tell me?!" He asks, getting in my face. "I CAN'T!!!" I snap, making him flinch, finally shutting him up. I take a shaky breath.

"I...can't, Tyler.." I say, eyes burning again, as I stare at the ground, unable to meet his gaze. "Because...the moment I tell you...I might as well...sign your death certificate then and there.." I say, bottom lip trembling. "If I tell you anything...if you get involved in any of this...I won't be able to protect you..!" I say. "Please, Tyler...I know I'm the last person you want to hear this from, but...trust me on this. Whatever Jules told you, whatever she's planning, forget all of it, and stay away from her. No matter how much you want to, I need you to stay out of it. It's the only way I can protect you.." I say, practically begging him, as I gently place my hand on his arm. For a while, he stands there, but unfortunately, it's only for a moment. Soon, he snatches his arm from my grasp, and stomps off. The moment I hear the door slam, I flinch. Soon, my vision blurs and I close my eyes, finally allowing the tears to fall. Dammit..

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