Chapter 15

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Haven pov

I can hear talking as we approach the great hall. When we get into the great hall all of the taking abruptly stops. I look up to see everyone staring at us. I quickly shove my head back into his shoulder and mumble, "can we just go eat in the kitchen."

"Of course av." And with that we walk out of the hall and over to the kitchen. "We're here." I pop my head us and see we are in the kitchen. We sit down and ask the house elves for what we want. After eating all of our food ced holds out his arm to me. "Drink you'll need your energy for today."

I nod and grab his arm. I sink my fangs in and start to drink. After I get my fill I let go. I see some blood leaking out of the wound so I lick it and to my surprise it heals. "Well ok then."


" I licked your arm to stop blood from getting everywhere and the wound healed."

" Weird." We sit for a moment and Cedric drinks the blood replacement potion before he looks at the time. "We have got to get to class." I pull out my schedule and hand it to him. " So you need to go off to herbology. It is a bit of a walk so make sure you stay close to me."

I grab his hand and walk out to herbology. When we got here I let go of his hand. He hugs me and kisses my head before heading off to his own class. I enter the class and see a bunch of plants that Jare has taught me about.

Time skip

Herbology went really well I got to know Neville more and how much he loves plants.

After class is over I meet Cedric at the door. We begin to walk to my next class transfiguration when a voice pops up.

" Oh poor little Haven can't go anywhere without his big bad boyfriend." My ex twin says.

"Yeah he can't even walk to the great hall without his boy friends help." His friend Ron states.

I look back at Cedric and we continue walking back to class. I am getting really tired from standing out in the sun. As we walk to the next class the two continue tormenting us. When we finally get to class ced hugs me and walks off. I walk in to see the teacher in cat form sitting at her desk. I sit down and endure the torment as everyone else starts to arrive. When everyone is in the class and muttering about the lack of teacher she turns back into a human.

"50 points from Gryffindor for bullying  another student."

After she appeared the class went pretty well. she asked us to turn a match into a needle. I turned mine into a needle with the labyrinth carved into it on my first try earning Hufflepuff 10 points.

Time skip

The day went well except for lunch and in between classes. At lunch everyone was still unsure how to act around me and Cedric after this morning. In-between classes the boys continue to say obnoxious things to me. By the time it got to dinner rolled around all of the people went back to normal other than the boys.

Me and Cedric just finished walking to our room. We change into our pajamas and cuddle up in bed.

"Av you need to drink a little bit more before you sleep because you spent a lot of time outside today." I nod and gently sticky fangs into his arm. I start to drift off so I pull my fangs out and lick his arm healing it. And then I go to sleep.

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