Chapter 32

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Haven pov

It's the night of August 31 and boy has this summer been hectic. We went to Germany for our family trip. I was called almost every week for a death eaters meeting. Jare was super busy so I didn't spend any time with him.  Luna had me come over every other week to hang out and talk about stuff.

Basically I had no free time this whole summer. I had to have Snape get my stuff again and I didn't have time to go by gringots. Snape sent me my stuff so I could pack it up. He told me he was busy so I should travel to the station myself tomorrow.

I finish packing up my bag and then I snuggle up in my blankets and drift off to sleep.

I wake up right at the time I always do and head downstairs. We do the usual back to school stuff and say our goodbyes. I traveled to the station only to be one of the first ones there. I go to our usual compartment and see a man sitting there. He looks up at me and I recognize him. He's my godfather Remus lupin or moony.


"Hello again Remus. It's been a while."

"Where did you go? Why do you look different? Why do you smell different? I stopped being friends with your parents when I found out they left you."

" First off very few people know who I was originally and I would like to keep it that way. As for your questions I was left with my mom's sister and they decided they didn't want a freak around their son so they abandoned me in America. I was adopted in America and I met someone who helped me get blood adopted so that is probably why I look different. As for why I smell different it is probably because of creature inheritance and stuff."

"Your a creature?"

"A couple, fate seems to love messing, with me. Anyways people will be here soon so we can talk more later."

Just as I say that Luna comes in and sits on my lap. Moony puts an eyebrow up. " Are you excited for this year little moon?"

"Yes mum and you will definitely have an interesting year as well." I sigh knowing she saw something happen this year.

"Mum?" Remus says questioningly.

"Well one of my mates is her father so I let her call me mum, also I love how confused it makes everyone."

"I see."

Slowly the rest of my friends trickle in and we all sit in preparation for the long journey to Hogwarts.

Others note

I'm thinking about having it cross over with the MCU much later in the future. Would you all be okay with that?

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