Chapter 30

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Haven pov

It been five days since break and I finally finished my plan for dealing with Lockhart. I decide the best course of action is to use my demon form to drag him to hell.

I walk into another detention about to put my plan in motion. But when I walk in my ex twin was there. I sigh and slip into my seat. I spend the whole time responding to his fan letters with my stupid brother. After a while he lets Harry leave keeping me there.

Harry leaves super quickly leaving me alone with Lockhart. I look at him in concern. Why did he keep me here?

" So Mr. Williams since you clearly want to spend time with me let's spend time together. Of course that is the only reason why you would have so many detentions. I assume you have a crush on me and you are pretty cute so why not."

He starts to approach me and in the chaos of this I only have one reaction. "Death." I whimper out uncomfortable with the current situation. Within a second death appears in front of me. He looks around and notices the situation. He turns into his skeletal form and starts to approach the perpetrator.

"What do you think you are doing?" He says in a deep ominous voice.

"I was merely giving him what he wanted."

"No you where doing what you wanted. You just assumed and were about to commit a crime. One that I am sure you have committed before. What to you think your consequence for your actions is going to be? Especially with what you were planning on doing to my mate."

Lockhart pales under deaths gaze. "I didn't know he was yours. If I did I wouldn't have done such a thing."

"But you did do such a thing so your consequences must be given." With that  death turns to me. "What do you want to be done?"

"Kill him, he should never be able to have the chance to be around children ever again and make sure he goes down to hell."

"Of course young one." With that he pulls out his scythe and separates Lockhart's soul from his body. He snaps his fingers sending his body away before placing his soul in a box. He picks me up and holds me close to his body. I feel the sparks mixed with the cold aura of death. I relax slightly into his grip. "I'm sorry this has happened to you young one. He will be in a place for people like him. Far away from children and no chance of escape for all eternity. He will be tortured in the deepest depths of hell."

He carries me up to Cedrics room seeing that I am clearly still shaken. We enter the room to see him and his roommate asleep. Death quietly walks over to ced's bed and sets me in the bed with him before kissing my head and disappearing. Without waking up he cuddles me close so I snuggle into him and fall asleep.

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