Chapter 63

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Haven pov

It's been about two weeks since I found out that I was carrying a child and I still haven't told draco. Riel said that he would be back to check up on me in a month so it is another two weeks until he comes back for the check up. I get up and go take a shower.

When I look in the mirror I notice a small bump at the bottom of my stomach. I still have the same symptoms as before except now I have sensitivities to smells and food. I also have cravings and no longer feel like I am going to faint.

I put a spell over my stomach so it looks the same as usual. I walk back into the room thinking about how I am pretty sure it is too early to be showing. I shake my head and get ready for class.

Time skip

Today Suriel is coming to check on the baby. I get back to the room and lay right down. I'm so tired now a days. Soon Suriel appears with another angel.

"I brought help." He points at the female angel. " This is Myra. She is in charge of taking care pregnancies that happened in the heavens. Myra this is Haven he is in a rather unique position."

"Pleasure to meet you Haven. Can I be informed of why I am here now."

"Nice to meet you to Myra. Suriel did you really just drag her here without telling her why or telling me she was coming?"

"I suppose that was impolite."

"You don't say." I sit up and scoot to the edge of the bed. I take the spell off my stomach and pull up my shirt exposing my slight bump. "Some how I have recently received the ability to get pregnant. If had to guess that I am around nine weeks."

"Interesting. Do you know who the father is and do you have any idea how you got that ability?"

"I do know who the father is and I am pretty sure I figured out who gave the ability to me."

"Okay good. Suriel please return to the heavens I know you have things to do." He nods and disappears. "Now that he is gone can you take off your shirt and lay down?" I do as she says.  She first does a physical check. She gently applies pressure to my stomach and then talks to me. "What have your symptoms been so far?"

"Nausea, cravings, chest pain, lightheadedness, sensitivity to smells and foods and a constant need to pee."

"I see can I feel your chest." I nod. She gently palpates the area. " So it appears that your ability includes being able to feed the child. Your body is growing breasts so that you can properly care for an infant. I assume you haven't noticed anything different around your genitals?"


"Okay." She places her hands on my stomach. I feel her magic disperse throughout my abdomen. " I agree with your estimation of nine weeks. Your due date is August 26. Though I would expect them to come early due to it being multiples."


"Oh you didn't know? Your having twins."


"Yep. Now I will come back in a month to check on you." With that she disappears.

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