Chapter 53

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Haven pov

I am sitting on the couch in a house with Emery next to me. "So mum can you watch the girls this weekend me and Loki are going to visit his mom and brother?"

"Sure I love my little grandbabies. Just make sure he takes care of himself."

"Will do." Just then a very pregnant man walks in.

"Come on you know mother doesn't like to wait and Thor is probably about to break something with excitement."

"Go have fun."

"Girls!" Three little girls probably about four run into the room. They all have get black hair and blue eyes. "Be good for grandma please."

"Okay daddy." They say in their tiny voices. With that a rainbow light hits them and the disappear.

I wake up in my room at Hogwarts. I quickly realize that it is the day of the last challenge. I get up and get ready while thinking about my dream. I rush out of my room so that I can eat before the challenge.

I get to my table to see Luna waiting for me. "So, mum, your a time dream seer. You see can see the future, past and present in your dreams."

I look at her in confusion. "What's a time seer?"

"Time seers can see all times unlike most seers who can only see one time. Like me and my father can only see the future. Some seers can see just the past or present. There have only been about 5 time seers ever."

Honestly since I am pretty sure I got this from the man I am not surprised with how rare it is. I'm excited to have grandkids. I finish eating and go to the quidditch field. I see that they made it into a maze. All the other challengers are at the entrance they give us rules and we set off. I see a shot off flair pretty quick. I continue for a while before vines start to grab me and pull me into the bush. I set off my flair and they take me out of the maze. I see that fleur set off the other flair.

I quickly find a dark corner and travel to Tom. I appear right outside of the meeting room so I immediately change into my disguise. I walk into the room and everyone bows. "Since he has arrived we move now." We pop to an old grave yard. We wait for about ten minutes. Finally the portkey and Harry appear. Tom Ties him to a tombstone.

"As you can see I am back and better than ever."

"No, this can't be true you died!"

At this comment I step up. "Well he sort of did but I brought him back."

"Who are you?"

"Marquess umbra is what I am referred as. Lord Voldemort here just happens to be one of my many chosen." I say as I go over and jump in toms arms placing a kiss on his cheek.

"No lady magic would never allow someone like him to have such an important role!" He reaches for the key and we let him as this was only a warning to them. He grabs it and goes away. I pull up my mask just a little so I can give Tom a big kiss. I kiss him right on his lips and he kisses back softly. I can feel the sparks all through out my body.

I pull back a hug him. "I have to go back before they notice I am gone." He nods and I travel back to the shadow. Everyone is crowding around Harry as he tells them an exaggerated version of what happened. I sigh and go over to ced and Vic. Our plan his finally been put in motion.

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