Chapter 27

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Haven pov

I get to Tom's right on time and walk into his office. "Good evening Tom you messaged for me today."

He looks up from his work and speaks. " I have a meeting with my death eaters tonight to talk about the rescue plan and I want you to be a part of it. I also want to introduce you to them. Of course you will be in a disguise."

" I see, do you have an idea for my code name or what my disguise should be?"

"For your name I was thinking marquess umbra but I don't know what to use as your disguise."

"I have just the thing." I use my magic to conjure an outfit out of the shadows. A black tail coat with silver detailing and a intricate plague doctor mask. "So what do you think?"

"I think it is fitting. Everyone should have arrived, shall we make our way there?"

"Of course." He grabs my hand and leads me to the ballroom.

He opens the door and everyone bows. "My lord.", They all say. Tom transfigures one of the extra chairs into a throne for me. He puts the throne next to his and leads me to it. After I sit down he sits in his. When he sits they all stand before sitting in their own seats.

They look at me with a mix curiosity and jealousy. "As you can all see there is another throne beside mine. Please greet marquess umbra." Everyone bows begrudgingly. "Let's continue. I am only going to tell you all once, if you do anything what so ever to hurt him you will die a horrible gruesome death and it won't necessarily be by me. I am one of his chosen and the third most powerful, I don't think you want to meet the others. If he orders something it is the top order, even over mine."

He takes in the horrified faces before continuing with the business. "Now that is not the only reason you were all called here today. We are here to discuss the rescue of our members in Askaban. Umbra came up with the idea so I will let him continue."

They all look over to me so I start talking. "Firstly, I have a special connection that could help with the dementors so they shouldn't be a problem. I think that we should do it at the end of the Hogwarts year. A small group of people of only 14 will be going for a smaller chance of discovery. 12 of the people will retrieve one of the prisoners each while me and your lord distract the dementors. Any questions?"

A tall lanky man stands up. "Why do we need to wait until the end of the school year?"

"Well I'm sure quite a few of you have children." A lot of the death eaters nod. "And most of them are probably at Hogwarts in Slytherin. Dumbledore probably will take the escape as a threat for his precious Harry Potter. If he does think of it as a threat he will take undesirable precautions. I don't think you want your children to go through that. Also as a student of Hogwarts myself I don't want to deal with that. Any other questions?"

Nobody stands up so I look at Tom. "Ok meeting is over every except the inner circle leave." Everyone but about 7 people rush out. "Ok I actually just need the malfoys and Snape." The rest nod and wander out.

They remove their masks to reveal Snape and Draco's parents. Knowing who they are after a nod from Tom I remove my mask. The malfoys gasp and Snape just sits there because he already knew. "Hello guys." I say to break the silence.

"Does draco know?" Narcissa asks.

"No he doesn't yet. He doesn't even know I have any chosen. He has no need to know of what has happened to me yet." She nods in understanding. No one else says anything. "I better get back." I say before thinking. "Actually since there's no class I just need to be back by breakfast." All of them except Snape look at me in confusion.

"Why do you have no class?" Cissa asks.

"Well somehow I got another chosen and he wasn't about it so he tried to tell the whole school about it and dropped dead." They nod in understanding. "What a stupid decision."

"I even warned him of the consequences before hand."

"So who died?" Tom asks.

" Ron Weasley, it's better off anyway he's always been a bully."

"So we better be off I have work tomorrow." Draco's dad says before popping away with his wife.

"I also must be off I have to grade papers." Snape says before leaving.

"Oh I forgot to tell you last time you were here. There is a chamber under the school with a basilisk inside. If you go to the second floor girls bathroom and look at the sink there is a snake on one of them. If you say open to the snake in parsaltounge it will reveal a slide if you don't feel like sliding just say stairs."

"Ok." Last time I was here I talked to his snake so he knows I can speak to them.

I give him a hug before saying goodbye and traveling back to my room.

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