Chapter 43

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Haven pov

After the game we rush to the assigned meeting place for the death eaters. When we are almost there I change into my disguise. Tom decided today is the perfect day to introduce marquess umbra. I walk over and everyone bows to me. Tom is not going to be here today because we don't want them to know he is back yet so I am running everything.

"Ok rules. No seriously maiming and children will not be harmed if you do not follow these rules pain will be in your future. Now go cause havoc." They all run off and I slowly walk off to monitor them.

Of course someone didn't listen to my rules. I see a lower death eater attacking a little blonde girl. I run over and hit them with a wand less crusio. "What did I say about children!?" I say after letting them go.

"No attacking them." He replied between gasping breaths.

"Yes. Go back to Voldemort and tell him what you did. I will know if you didn't."

"Of course marquess umbra." And with that he pops off. I walk over to the little girl and check her over.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes I am, thank you for saving me."

"If they ever listened you wouldn't have to be saved. Now let's get you to your family." I remove my disguise before starting to lead her from the chaos. She looks at me in surprise. "My other identity will just have to be our little secret." She giggles and nods.

It takes a while but we finally get to the area where people are looking for missing members off their parties. We look around and eventually she spots her family. She grabs my arm and drags me with her.

"Mother, father, sister."

"Gabrielle!" The mother and sister shout as they engulf her in a hug.

While that is happening the dad notices me. "What can I do for you young man?"

"Daddy, he saved me."

"I see than you must be rewarded."

"That is not necessary."

"I insist. I shall grant you a proper veela blessing. You shall be able to use allure as you wish."

"Thank you." I say in a grateful tone but truly in my head I grumble about how I just know fate is going to use this in some way.

After a bit more talking I excuse myself and walk into the forest. From there I change back it to my disguise and walk into the center of the madness. I shoot the dark mark into the sky signaling everyone to leave before popping to Tom.

All the death eaters are gathered in the hall. They all bow to me as a walk up to my throne. "Good job today. We have officially announced that we are back and as strong as ever. Go home and get a good rest, I'm the news tomorrow will be entertaining." With that they all pop away and I turn to Tom. "Did you punish him?"

"I stuck him in the dungeons so you can decide what to do with him. It was your command he disobeyed."

"Have a house elf bring him up." He sends out the order and soon the man is brought up to us. "Everyone else followed my two rules but you. What do you have to say for yourself." He stays quiet and looks down. I decide that the best punishment is a mix of crusio and impurius. I cast crusio first and leave it for 5 minutes. Wanting him to learn but not for it to cause permanent damage. He screams and writhes under the curse. When I finally release it he falls to the floor and just lays there.

After leaving him for a bit I cast impurius. I make him do various ridiculous things before leaving him in a bow. I let it go before talking to him. " I hope you learned something today because if you do something like this again I won't be nearly as kind. I do not like people who mess with children. Next time you will wish I sent you to death. Go and make sure you inform everyone of what happens when you don't listen to orders from me." He nods and skitters off. I hear I pop when he leaves the house.

I decide to stay at toms since the cup was supposed to go until school so I already said goodbye to my family.

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