Chapter 96

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Harry pov

I wake up and make breakfast before going around and waking everyone up. The new set of teenage twins seem confused by my kind actions towards them. They are the first to the table and the girl turns to me. "Why are you doing this? What do you want from us?"

I lift an eyebrow at her accusatory tone. "I don't want anything from you two except for you to stay safe. I am not about to let two teenagers be alone in the world. No child should have to go through that." I stay sternly. They sit down rather confused and the others start to file in.

They all just kind of shrug at seeing guests at the table that they didn't know were here and start eating. "Help yourself I have to go get the babies." I say to them and the girl comes up to me.

"Can I help with the babies?"

"Of course come on." I grab her hand and drag her to the most recent nursery. I turn on the lights and reveal my three youngest babies. Raziel is standing at the edge of his crib already fully awake, Zadkel is still fully asleep with his hand in his mouth and Lailah is sitting in the middle of her crib rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

I pick up Raziel and change him into his clothes for the day before handing him to the girl. She seems shocked that I would just hand my baby to her. "I trust you not to drop him." Also being an angel makes it almost impossible to hurt him anyway. I pick up Lailah next and change her before grabbing Zadkel and changing him. Then all together we go to the breakfast table.

After I set down the babies in their seats Tom taps my shoulder. "Love can you explain who our guests are?"

"I don't know very much myself. I found them wandering around Slovakia. They said that they might need help so I asked them if they wanted to come with me and they said yes."

"So you took some random teenagers from another country with little knowledge about them?"

"Yes that does seem about right." I turn to the twins that the conversation is about. "Care to introduce yourselves?"

They look at each other and nod before the boy speaks up. "I am Pedro Maximoff and this is my sister Wanda Maximoff."

"So Pedro why are you and your sister looking for somewhere to go and Wanda why is your magic so far out of your control?"

Pedro answers first, "our parents died many years ago so we go to experiment and they are not very nice." I see Bucky tense at that statement.

"Did the people running it happen to have red octopuses on their things?" I ask a little worried for them at this point and they nod. "Alright. Wanda?"

"Experiment gave it to me. I didn't know that others have it."

"That's okay we can help you with that as the great majority of this household has magic." She looks rather excited about that statement. "We will teach you to use your magic but in return you two have to go to school. Fair?"

"School?" The boy asks.

"Yes you will be in the same school as Peter, Oscar and Flynn here."


"Great I will sign you up today while dropping off the others." The both nod so I get all of the kids into the car and start dropping them off at each of their schools. I tie the triplets to me and walk into the highschool with them.

After about an hour of meetings and paperwork the Maximoff twins. They started class and I went back home.

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