Chapter 78

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Loki POV

My father fell into Odin sleep. I sit by his bedside with my mother. "Why didn't he just tell me?"

"He didn't want you to feel different."

"So instead of telling me I was different he just treated me as such."

"He always has a reason for what he does."

"Reason or not I deserved to know." I say quietly. "I must return to Midgard. I will monitor Thor's progress."

I walk out and to Himdall. "I have to return to Midgard." He nods and opens the bifrost.

Haven pov

I investigate the gate marking and see nothing around it so I head home. It is about 6 in the morning by the time I arrive home so I get the kids ready for school and cook breakfast. I get them all to school and head to bed.

I wake up at about noon to the bifrost opening in our living room. Emery is not home so I go check. I see Loki with tears in his eyes. "Hey bub what's wrong?"

He hugs me and starts to sob. "My parents lied to me!"


"My father picked me up after a war with intent of using me. He never loved me. I am the child of his enemy!"

"That doesn't mean that you didn't have other family that loved you. Plus sometimes adoptive family loves you more than your bio family does."

"I suppose."

"Now you were gone for a while, what happened?"

"Father wanted to check our skills to know who would be king even though he planned for it to be Thor from the start. Frost Giants broke into the castle, Thor decided to go after the frost Giants. I'm pregnant, Thor got his powers stripped and got thrown down to earth. Father fell into Odin sleep and mother took over the kingdom."

"Sounds like you had an eventful trip." It takes a second but all of his words process. "Your pregnant!?" He nods. "Does Emery know?"

"No. I found out about a month into my stay in Asgard."

"Well he is in for a surprise. You should drop your illusion I want to see my grandbaby."

"Grandbabies." My eyes widen as I hear that and he drops his spell.

"How many?"

"Mother says three."

"Dang. That is a lot for your first time." He nods.

"And they are trouble makers." I nod with a smile.

"So what was this about Thor being banished?"

"Oh yeah. Thor disobeyed father so he and his hammer were thrown to earth somewhere."

"My guess is New Mexico. There was a bifrost marking there."

"We should see if we can find him. I have to inform him of what happened."

I inform luci and we travel to New Mexico.

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