Chapter 71

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Haven pov

The war was 12 years ago. After it a went and trained with the flamels for 3 years and learned everything I could about alchemy. After that we decided to all settle down. Luna married Neville last year and loki got married to Emery. We lived in a big house in London. Over the year we have had ten more children and I have mated with all of my chosen. I have been having a lot of dreams about the ice man and new York city.

Today we are moving to an old mansion in New York. We pack up and shrink all our bags. We are flying to America due to use not wanting to have to much exposure to popping. We grab all our bags and head to the airport. The flight was long and the toddlers and babies were fussy. Morwen and Megan were studying up on their new school. We arrive in new York and head to our new house. We bought a big van to drive all of the kids around in and we bought the house I dreamt about.

We all go to bed because tomorrow is their first day at a new school. We opened a book Bakery. We encourage reading while eating sweets and things.


I get up morwen and Megan first as there school starts first and the I work my way through the rooms. I wake up Oscar and then Flynn. Then I go to the next room and Alfred and Madeline are already awake. I wake up Elle and Christopher. Then go make breakfast. While the kids are eating a wake up the rest. Ceri and Gwain the next I wake up followed by Lysander, Alexander and wyn and have luci, Tom and Jareth carry them. Last I pick Ollie up from his crib.

I have my mates watch the little ones while I take the others to school. I drive to the highschool. I walk them in with the others. They get the schedules from the front desk lady before saying goodbye and walking off to find their class.

I take the rest of the kids to the elementary school. I walk all six of them in since they are little I can walk them to class. We start with Oscar taking him to his third grade class all the other parents are bringing their kids in too as it is the first day of school. I give him a kiss and set him at his desk. "Bye mum."

"Bye Oscar see you after school. Remember to go to parent pick up and find the others."

"Okay." With that I walk out and into the second grade hall. I walk Flynn to his class room.

"Be good and have fun."

"Will do mum." I nod and walk out heading to the first grade. Alfred and Madeline were put in the same class unfortunately. We walk in and find their desks.

I sit them down and talk sternly to them. "No pranks and I mean it. If I get called in because you left slime in some ones chair again I will be very unhappy. Also you will have to help athair for the rest of the day."

"No, we will be good we promise."

"Yeah mum you have nothing to worry about."

"Good. Remember to meet up with Oscar after school.

"Yes mum."

I finally walk out and head to the last class the kindergarten one. Elle and Christopher cling to my legs when we enter. "Mum I don't want to go."

"Yeah can't we stay home and hang out with Luna?"

"No you have to go to class or I won't let pappy teach you the magic trick."

"But mum. Do we have to?"

"Yes know let's go find your desks." I pick them up and look around for their desks. I place them down and give them a kiss before walking out of the class.

Authors note

Morwen and Megan are identical twins. they have Draco's blond hair and emerald green eyes.

Oscar is victor's child. He has black hair and black eyes. He is 8.

Flynn is Cedrics. He has Hazel eyes and black hair. He is 7.

Alfred and Madeline are twins and Barty's. They have brown hair and Hazel eyes. They are 6.

Elle and Christopher are Xenophilius's children and twins. One has blonde hair and the other has black but they both have blue eyes. They are 5.

Ceri and Gwain are twins and deaths children. They have black hair, Gwain has green eyes and ceri has red. They are 2.

Lysander, Alexander and wyn are Lucifers children and triplets. They all have black hair and Hazel eyes. They are 1.

Ollie is jareth's child. He has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

What the children call them.

Haven is mum, draco is daddy, victor is pater, Tom is father, death is athair, Jareth is pa, Fenrir is fader, Xenophilius is papi, Suriel is tama, Fred is poppy and George is pappy, barty is pappa, Lucifer is baba and Cedric is papa.

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