Chapter 23

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Haven pov

Gryffindor won the house cup even though they were dead last. Dumb dumb made up points so they won. Only because the precious boy who lived was in that house.

We get on the train and I sit with Neville, Cedric, Hermione and draco. We spend the whole ride talking about summer plans.

When we get to the platform I go to a dark corner and travel back home.  When I get there I see everyone outside waiting for me. "Sup hades. Ilene and dad have decided we are going to Estonia for the summer. They think it would be good to learn about a different culture."

I go inside and grab my muggle clothing before going and getting in the car with everyone else. We get to the airport and head to our plane. The flight is like ten hours long.

Time skip
The summer was fun. I learned Finnish and Russia as well as German, swedish and French. I met with Tom one night to talk about his plans and plan a Askaban break.

We finally got home the day before I leave for school. We play some board games and finally go to bed. Second year here I come.

I wake up in the morning to toby shaking me. "Come on hads you leave for school in an hour we have to eat breakfast."

"Okay, okay, I'm getting up." He runs out of the room and I get dressed before packing the rest of my stuff and bringing it all down stairs. I asked Jare to get my school stuff for me as I would not be able to. He sent back a letter that said Snape would bring it when he picked me up.

We all sit down and eat eggs, bacon and waffles. We just finish as the door gets knocked on. I grab all of my stuff and walk out the door. Sev hands me all my stuff that I quickly shove in my trunk I say goodbye and we pop to the train station.

When we get there I run into a lady that looks exactly like a witch, the evil ones from movies. She looks at me before spouting some nonsense. After the nonsense she says some stuff, "I curse you to be the thing that everyone fears.". Then she disappears into a puff of smoke.

Really, a curse right as the school year began.

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