Chapter 82

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Haven pov

Jane and Thor went up to the roof to talk. I was left with Loki.

"What is it like to have children?" Loki asks quietly.

"At first it is a little bit stressful knowing that you are the only thing keeping this little life alive. But it is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done in my life." After that we sat in silence.

The silence is broken by Mabel crying. "Shush baby." I say rocking her back and forth before setting her up to eat. "We should check on Thor." Loki nods.

We walk up to the roof to see him and Jane asleep on some chairs. "I suppose we are staying here tonight."

I conjure up a couple of chairs and some blankets. Loki takes one of the chairs and a blanket before going to sleep. I lay on the chair and adjust Mabel on top of me before throwing a blanket over me and also going to sleep.

I wake up as the sun is starting to rise. I feed Mabel and head downstairs to make breakfast. Soon I am done cooking and everyone fills into the kitchen. "Good morning everyone. Breakfast is ready."

"Wow thanks." The other girl says. I feel another bridge open. I decided that I will check it out after breakfast. I get a call from Fury.

"We have noticed another fluctuation. I believe that it as has something to do with the man and the hammer."

"Don't worry I'm aware and it should be fine."

"Okay but I want you to look into it."

"Will do."

"Also I just got word that strange people are walking around town. Please check them out."

"Yeah." He hangs up. I continue to eat until four people in armor slam against the window.

"We found you!" They say.

"My friends!" Thor yells. I guess I figured out what came through.

They look at Loki and draw their weapons. "How are you here?"

"Dear friends what is wrong?"

The woman of the group points her staff at Loki. "He took over Asgard."

"But that cannot be."

"Yeah he has been on Midgard with me the whole time."

"But we saw him take the throne and announce that Thor is not welcome back." They say in confusion.

Just as we are about to continue arguing about it, Loki winces in pain. "We will continue this conversation later." I say before turning my attention to Loki. "Do I need to take you to Myra?"  He nods so I travel to the heavens with him before returning to New Mexico.

When I arrive there is a big metal monster destroying the town. I walk over to Jane and hand her Mabel. " If she even gets a scratch on her I will not be happy." I say before running towards the monster that is attacking Thor.

It slaps him before starting to retreat. Thor is badly hurt I can feel his life force slipping. I quickly use the spell I cast on the hammer to teleport it to me. When it arrives it is immediately pulled to Thor. His magic fuses with his body again and he heads after the monster. He destroys the monster with his returned powers and hammer.

Thor agrees to work with shield as long as Jane gets her research back. He calls for Himdall to open the bifrost. Himdall doesn't respond for a while. Finally we are pulled to Asgard. Thor heads straight to his father's room. I follow close behind him.

We arrive to see laufey about to kill Odin. Thankfully the real Loki arrives and stops him. I feel a problem with the bifrost so we head to the gate where we see fake Loki.

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