Chapter 64

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Haven pov

Im headed to Snape's room to have a talk about what precautions I should take. I walk and see him grading at his desk.

He looks up at me and looks back at his paper. "What can I do for your Haven?"

"I have something going on that i may need to wear gear in classes for."

He looks back up at me pushing his paper to the side. " What might that be?"

"I'm kind of pregnant." I say quietly while rubbing the back of my neck.

He just nods. "And how did this happen?"

"Well I think that the one eyed man gave me the power and then how it usually happens."

"The one eyed man?"

"He has given me other powers too. He gave me the one that allows me to turn into any animal and he made me a seer. He never looks the same except for his eyes. One is white and reflective and the other is a stone with a rune on it."

"Fascinating, well which of your chosen is the father then?"


"And have you told him yet?"

"No. What if he doesn't want a baby we are still so young."

"He will except it and love them either way."

"How do you know?"

"I see how he looks at you and ever since he was really little he has wanted kids."

"Ah. I guess I'll tell him tonight."

"And about why you came here. I will write you a letter to get out of potions saying you were exposed to some rare plant or something. Other than that you should be good. I don't plan on having you fight anything in this class."

"Thank you."

"Now go tell my godson he deserves to know." I nod and walk out of the room.

I drag my feet as I walk to our room. I open the door and draco is in bed reading. He looks up when he hears the door open. "What up Hav?"

"I have something very important to tell you." He puts a bookmark in his book, sets it down and scoots to the edge of the bed. "I'm pregnant."

His eyes go wide. "Really? How?"

"Yes really and I don't know."

"We are going to have our own little baby."

"Well actually it's twins."


"Yep I had the same reaction."

He chuckles and comes over to me. He hugs me. " I love you so much and I'm glad we can have a family together."

"Me too."

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