Chapter 67

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Haven pov

We arrive in toms office. My parents and siblings are wearing the outfit for my people. "Draco would you please take them to the meeting room?"

"Sure." They leave and I am left with Tom.

"So who are they?"

"My adopted family, they wanted to see what we were doing." He nods. "Also after the meeting all of our mates are coming for an announcement."

"Okay. We best get this meeting started."

He grabs my hand and we walk walk to the room. I already told most of my mates to meet here at ten and Suriel to pick up the Alister and Luna's father. Death is supposed to pick up victor. We arrive and walk to our thrones. Everyone but my people bow to us. My people are standing behind the throne. I sit on my throne and Toby sits at my feet.

Everyone sits down. "Now we have special guests visiting so behave." I say.

"Who are they, can we see their powers?"

"You can't see their powers as they have none. They are my adopted family as my birth family, the ones with magic abandoned me." I hear gasps go through the crowd and no one else asks any questions.

Time skip

The meeting went well and we got a few more recruits. Draco's parents took my family home and now I am sitting in toms living room with all my mates and children.

"So I called you all here because I have an announcement."

"Ooh mum can I say it."

"Sure little moon."

"Mum is pregnant with two little babies. Daddy is the father." Murmurs are heard across the room.

"Luna baby please clarify who you are referring to."

"Draco of course."

"Congratulations, I can see that the party is getting even bigger." Cedric says.

Congratulations are given and questions are asked. Finally we finish and all head to bed. Luna, Emery and Alister go off to their own rooms and death, Suriel and Lucifer leave. The rest of us head to the master. Tom adds another bed attached to his and we all pile in. Draco and Cedric are on either side of me. Behind draco is Fred, Fenrir, Xenophilius and Tom. Behind Cedric is George, victor, Barty and Jareth. We are all snuggle together as I start to drift off to dream land.

Im watching over a field with people fighting. I look around to try and figure out when I am. I look at one side and see men with a red skull octopus and on the other I see people in American world war two uniforms. The scene changes. Now I am standing over a train a man gets thrown out of one of the doors and over a cliff. It changes again. A man screaming on an operating table as people with the red skull octopus attach a metal arm to him.  Once again it changes. The man is in an icy chamber. A man comes in and starts speaking German. "Come winter soldier it is time for a mission." With that I wake up.

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