Chapter 84

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Haven pov

I was called into shield about a person who was found in ice and is alive from the 50s. I bring Tom and Bucky with me as well as the six toddlers. We head to shield head in our car. We get to the door and I scan my card and Bucky scans his. My card allows me to take anyone I want with me. We approach the area where we are wanted we hear a commotion.

We see a blonde man rush by followed a bunch of agents. He sees bucky and comes to a stop. Looking at bucky in confusion. "Bucky? Your alive?"

"Steve?" Bucky questions. The man nods and captures Bucky in a hug.

"How you fell out of the train?"

"Hydra captured me and ran a bunch of experiments on me before mind controlling me. They froze me when they weren't using me for murder. A few years ago Haven found me and fixed my mind." He the last line while looking at me with a smile.

"Wow it seems like you had an eventful 60 years." He turns to me and holds out his hand to shake mine. "Pleasure to meet the person who saved my best friend."

I grab his hand and shake it. "Now we were sent here to help you get adjusted to modern life."

"You get to come to our house." Bucky says excitedly. Steve's smile grows and we head out to the car.

"We have to pick up the rest of the kids before we head back to the house." Steve nods and we head to the schools. We go to the highschool first. Morwen and Megan get into the car and look at Steve.

"Mum who is this dude?" Morwen asks.

" His name is Steve and he is pop's childhood friend. Now how was your day?"

"We had a college come talk to us about why we should go there." Megan says and morwen nods. We arrive at the middle school and Peter and Oscar get in.

"Mum I got to make a robot today!" Peter says excitedly.

"Well that is really cool." He nods with loads of enthusiasm. Next we go to the elementary school. Flynn, Alfred, Madeline, Elle, Christopher, Ceri and Gwain pile in. Elle leans over to morwen.

"Who is he?"

"Someone pop knows." Elle nods. Last we head to the preschool and tom hops out to get them. Lysander, Alexander and wyn finally get buckled in and we head home.

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