Chapter 69

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Haven pov

Today is the first day of school and me and draco are barely awake. The babies have to be fed every 2 hours even at night. We told the others the day after they were born. We sit in our compartment with the babies. We arrived early so no one will be here.

Luna arrives at the compartment first. "Mum can I hold Megan?"

"Sure." I pass the baby from my arms to hers.

Soon everyone arrives and I am dozing off in my chair. I fall asleep as the train starts.

I am sitting on the couch when two blonde girls run in. "Mum, pop is about to burn the pancakes and if he does that the others will be late for school."

"Okay Morwen go get your siblings ready and I will deal with that."

I walk in and see the man who was in the ice chamber. "Bucky the twin M's say you are about to mess up breakfast."

"I just mildly burned one pancake and now I am messing up breakfast."

"You know they love the dramatics."

"Yeah." He leans over and kisses me

I wake up to the babies crying. I grab a blanket from my pocket and grab Megan as draco still has Morwen. I cradle her and place the blanket over. I open my shirt and place her so she can nurse.

"So how was everyone summer?"

"Alister decided that he was going to start a prank war and it took days to get all the glitter out of the house even with magic."

Everyone takes turns talking about their summers and a switch off babies.  We continue to talk even after they fall asleep. Soon we arrive at school and Snape comes to take our babies to the room. When we are in classes a house elf will take care of them.

The sorting and feast go as usual and soon we are in our room with our babies again. We change them and feed them before going to bed ourselves. We snuggle up finally after a long day. I place my head on his chest and slowly fall asleep to the rhythm of his heart.

Time skip

I decide today is the day I tell Lily. I go to the muggle studies room and she is sitting at her desk. "Can I help you with something Mr. Williams?"

"I just have to tell you something."

"Okay what is it."

"You have to swear to me you won't tell anyone?"

"I swear on my magic that I won't tell the secrets of Haven Williams mote be."

I put up a silencing ward. "I originally went different name."

"What name?"

"Haven potter."

She gasps and tears fill her eyes. "My baby. Where were you? Why did the blood test come back the way it did?"

"I was adopted by a lovely man in America and I had someone help me complete the blood adoption. I remember everything from the night of the attack and I just have one question. Who told you to leave me?"

"You remember." She starts to cry more.  "It was Dumbledore."

"Of course it was."

"What do you mean?"

"As I said I remember that night and it didn't happen they way people say. Tom, I mean lord Voldemort, did break into the house but not to kill one of us. He wanted to take the one that was a danger to him so he could train them to work with him. He touched my skin and found out he was my chosen. then Dumbledore came in."


"Yes he said that the prophecy is fake and then tried to kill me but Voldemort jumped in front of me saving me. The spell destroyed his body. Then Dumbledore drew the mark on Harry with the cutting curse."

"But why would he do that?"

"For power."

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