Chapter 39

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Haven pov

I got pulled out of school by Jareth. He talked to pomfry and she told Dumbledore I had to be pulled out due to medical reasons. He asked all of my teachers for the lesson plans for the rest of the year. When he looked at the plans he realized he had already taught me it all.

The first thing he did was call a goblin to do another inheritance test. It turned out to be obnoxiously long.

Mate and creature inheritance test
Tom Marvolo Riddle aka Lord Voldemort

Jareth the goblin king


Cedric Diggory


Xenophilius lovegood


Victor krum

May gain more mates if more creatures added

Complete werewolf (Super Rare): can transform at will, has control on full moon, will not have ability to change until 11, cannot take wolf's bane under any circumstances.

Elemental fae(uncommon): If trained will have full control of all elements, will have pointed ears and a smaller stature.

Demon of darkness (Rare): can control shadows, travel through shadows, make things out of shadow and store things in the shadows, aura may scare ghosts and you may be required to collect souls.

Changed vampire (common): must drink blood, will lose control with lack of blood, gets tired with extended exposure to the sun, can turn into a bat, improved mind magic, able to do blood magic, has poison and can change others.

Forest protector (Super Rare): Only can become one through blessing of a forest creature. Will grow horns at 18. Has power over all creatures in the forest. Is in charge of protecting all the creatures in the forest to the best of their ability. Has awareness of everything that happens in the forest.

Boggart (uncommon): can turn into people's biggest fears. Prefers small, dark, old places.

Angel (highly improbable): must either be born with or blessed by a unicorn. Can turn into an angelic form. Can easily preform healing magic. All light magic is exceedingly easy. Destroys unwanted black magic automatically.

Unknown (Never before seen): can turn into animals. Will turn into animals at random until mastered. Once mastered can turn into any animal at will.

Ever since the test I have been working on controlling it. I have learned that strong emotions tend to affect it because they turn me back human. I have taken to learning all I can about different animals and creatures. I started with dragons and now I can freely turn into any type of dragon but sometimes when I get really angry I start to have smoke come out of my nose.

Tom has also been teaching me parsal magic. I have learned to control dragons, snakes, lizards, amphibians and bats. I am currently working on cats.

Tomorrow is the day everyone goes on summer break and Jare is letting me go home. He decided that since the more creatures I learn to control the less I randomly turn. I have got it down to once every month.

I got a letter from draco this morning inviting me to the quidditch world cup. Jare calls me over. "It's time to go home but I expect you back in a month so we can work more on your creature problem."

"Alright. See you in a month."

I kiss him on the cheek and he kisses me on the head. I pop home and walk in to see my family at the dinner table.

"Hades we weren't expecting you till tomorrow."

"Well I got finished early and got snape to take me home."

"Well we are glad your home we are going to leave for Cambodia tomorrow." I sit down and eat dinner with my family before heading to bed.

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