Chapter 41

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Haven pov

I wake up in the morning as a black cat. I walk into the throne room and sit on Jare's lap. Soon the boys walk in. "Where's the other dude?"

"Haven is this cat right here."

"Haven is here?! Is that why he left early?" Emery says.

"Yes he is here and why his a cat is why he left school early. Now have you made your decision?"

"Yes, we have decided that we want to be adopted."

"Ok, Haven how do you want to become emancipated?"

I look him in the eyes and transfer my answer. "I will take my owls and newts."

"Ok I will have sharp claw set that up for you and have another goblin set up the adoption papers and potions." I nod and head to the library to continue my research on animals."

Time skip

I have been in the labyrinth for 3 days now and today I take my owls. Jare pops me to the ministry of magic and I head to the testing room. Everyone in the room other than me are adults.

I sit down in my chair and wait for the test to be past out. Eventually all of the tests have been passed out and we are allowed to start. I notice that all of the tests have anti cheating charms. I look down at my test and see that it is all things that I have learned.

I finish all parts of the test in about 5 hours not counting breaks. I get back to the labyrinth at about 7 and go straight to bed.

I get up in the morning to see a letter at the foot of my bed. I open it to see I got all O's. I am off to go take my newts today at 12. I head to breakfast with Jare. The boys are staying with the gringots goblins until I figure out what to do with them.

After breakfast I send Xen a letter asking if he can watch them until I get a house set up near Alister's school. Then Jare takes me to the ministry again.

Today I am in a different testing room because the owls from yesterday are still going. I walk in and sit in my seat. The test prep goes the same as yesterday. The test today is a little bit harder for me but I finish in 6 hours. So when I get back to the labyrinth I go straight to sleep again.

I wake up with a letter at the foot of my bed again. I open it to see all O's again. I get dressed grab Jare and head to gringots. We walk in and immediately get pulled into a room.

"What can I do for you today your highness?"

"Haven needs to get emancipated first."

"On what grounds?"

"He passed his owls and newts."

"Okay I will need the paperwork stating that he passed." I hand them to him and he looks over them. "Everything seems to be in order. Proceed to the first ritual room.

Time skip

The ritual was short but painful. We get back to the office to finally adopt my sons. "What else can I do for you today your highness?"

"He needs two blood adoption potion and the paperwork also the boys you have been watching are needed here." The goblin leaves and returns with everything needed and the boys. "Put three drops of blood in each bottle." I do as he asks. "Now when these boys drink these potions they will officially become your children. They may gain more magic, a creature inheritance and or some of your features. As well as become the children of your mates once mated. Is this alright with you?"

I look at the boys and they nod. " Yes these are reasonable terms."

"Ok sign this paperwork and the boys need to sign in acceptance as well. On the paperwork you can officially change their names."

I sign the paperwork followed by the boys. I take the paperwork back before asking them, "what do you want your names to be?"

"Emery Gaunt."

"Alister Gaunt." I write their chosen names down and hand the papers back to the goblin.

"Okay now the children here need to drink the potion and everything is settled." I hand each of them a potion and they both down it. "The changes from the potion can take up to a month to finish." I nod and we go back to the labyrinth.

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