Chapter 40

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Haven pov

Cambodia has been interesting so far I have had an easy time with communication since many people here speak French. I also am learning to speak their native language Khmer.

Today I am heading to the labyrinth for my week of animal training. I say goodbye to my family and travel to Jare.

I walk in and see him getting ready.

"Where are you off to?"

"I have to go pick up a wish away. Do you want to come with me or do you want to wait here?"

"I think I will wait here."

"I will be right back, you can wait on my throne."

I nod and go sit on his throne. I am only waiting for about five minutes when he portals in with a child. He seems older than most wish aways. Most wish aways are somewhere between newborn to about 5 but technically until a child is an adult they can be wished away. This boy looks about 8.

As Jare walks up to the throne I get a better look at him. I saw that it was Emery. I can see how battered he looks. Jare is carrying him so I run up to him and take Emery into my arms. "What happened?"

"His sibling wished him away to save him from his abusive parents."

"Ok I will watch him but go get the sibling we can't just leave him there."

"Ok little one but you have to explain it to them." He leaves again and I sit on the throne with a beaten Emery in my lap. I am unsure if he is just asleep or if he is unconscious. I cradle him in my arms while waiting for Jare to return.

He portals back in holding the hand what looks like a fourteen year old. I can only assume that they are more like 17 if Emery is anything to go by. "Why am I here? No one wished me away." They ask Jare.

"I told him to go and get you. There is no way I was going to leave you there." They finally notice me.

"Who are you?"

"Jareth the goblin king is my soul mate. I also go to school with your brother."

"I see. I'm Alister, emery's older brother."

"How did you think to send Emery to the goblin king?"

"Well I found the labyrinth book and thought it was worth a try to save him. Our parents have always been abusive but it got worse for me when i got outted as trans and it got worse for him when he got the Hogwarts letter."

"You are so brave to risk yourself just to save your brother."

"Well he is the only family I've got that actually cares."

I nod and think for a bit. There is no way anyone is going to run for them so there is no chance for them to go back to those awful people. I can't adopt them until I turn 17 or somehow get emancipated before that.

" Hey Jare what are we going to do now I can't do anything until I am 17 or emancipated."

"Well your opinions for emancipation are Taking your owls and newts early and passing, mating with one of your many soulmates or convincing the wizarding courts that you are able to take care of yourself. Your other options include them become wards of the labyrinth turning them part fae or you can stick them in one of your many houses and provide them money."

I turn to Alister. "Which would you prefer? Me working things out so I can adopt you, becoming a ward but also fae or living in one of my houses and with money from me to spend every month."

He sits there for a while. Clearly putting a lot of thought into his decision. "Will you and Emery continue to go to school what ever decision I make?"

"Of course, everything you want to remain the same will remain that way."

"Ok I think I have made my decision but we should wait for Emery to wake up so he can have some input."

"Ok." So we head to bed for the night to finish the conversation in the morning.

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