Chapter 24

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Haven pov

The train is like first year except the terrible two come in and annoy us. Also a blonde girl came in at one point and smiled at me before leaving.

We walk over to carriages pulled by skeletal horses and get in. We all go to our tables and wait for the first years to be sorted. We get a few more puffs and the girl gets put into ravenclaw.

Then Dumbledore goes on about the forest and stuff before saying nonsense and letting us eat. I find out that the new teacher for DADA is some dude who is famous for hunting and killing creatures. I look at him in disgust. I don't think that he is telling the truth but even lying about such a thing is horrendous.

Soon we head to our common rooms. I hug Cedric and walk down the second years hall. I end up in my own room because there are not very many Hufflepuffs.

I wake up and do my usual routine before knocking on ced's door. His roommate opens it and says I can come in but he is in the shower. I go and sit on his bed waiting for him to get out.

When he finally came out he spotted me. "Oh hav good morning. I just got to get my bag and we can go to breakfast."

He grabs his bag but instead of going to the great hall we go to a secluded place. He offers his arm to me and I drink. After we head to the great hall. When we get there the teachers are handing out the timetables. I openly sigh when I see that my first class is DADA.

I looked over his books last night and found out they are infact completely fictional. Now I am even less interested in his class. When I head to my first class I see that Gryffindor has it with us. I debate if it is even worth the effort. I walk into the class and slink into a chair in the back left corner.

Everyone enters the class and I openly glare at Lockhart as he passes out a test. I look at the test and see it is all about him. I decide the best thing to do is complain in demonic. He won't know it because not only is it lost but it is also a creature language so why would he care.

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