Chapter 68

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Ever since I told my mates they have been switching out who is at my house every night. It is early august and we are headed to digon ally for school supplies. I took my siblings with me so they can experience it. Me and draco get all of our school stuff before starting to show them around. We take them out for ice cream and take them to the candy shop before heading home.

I have been getting a lot of false cramps lately so Myra gave me a necklace that teleports me straight to her clinic. We eat candy and watch movies until it is time for bed. I fall asleep fairly quickly next to draco.

I wake up to a sharp kick at my side. I get up and go to the bathroom. I go pee and when I start to finish up I feel a large gush of water coming from my behind. I clean it up and click the button on the necklace.

When I appear I get a stabbing pain in my abdomen. I wince and Myra comes in. "How are you tonight?"

"I think that I just started labour."

"Ah. Where is your pain located and is it consistent? Also have you had any other signs."

"Well I woke up to pain in my side and thought it was just a kick so I went to the bathroom. When I was peeing a gush of liquid came from my anus." I pause as I am hit with another wave off pain. It takes a second but when I recover I continue. " Then I came here due to worry and was hit by another wave of pain. I would guess that they are about 7 minutes apart."

"Interesting. Can you get in these clothes and lay on the bed for me. She hand me a set of hospital clothes. I change into them and lay down just in time for the pain to hit. After it ends she  talks again. She puts her hands on the edge of my pants. "May I." I nod. She pulls down the pants and looks before putting them back up. "As I thought it appears the man gave you a way to have the babies naturally as well."


"He magically enhanced your anus. So I suppose you could do that but with how young you are I recommend a magical c section. They are quick and require almost no healing time. If you want to go through it naturally we will have to wait a while and you will get gradually more pain. We can dampen it but not get rid of it. Which do you want to do this time?"

"Magical c section please." Another wave hits me. After it is over she takes my shirt off, she puts a tarp up and numbs the area. I feel nothing as I wait. Soon I hear the cries of a baby. "Congratulations it's a girl. She puts the baby on my chest and goes back. I hear more cries and she appears again with another baby. "Congratulations it is another girl." She goes back for a bit before removing the tarp.

"Two healthy baby girls what are you going to name them?"

"We decided on Morwen and Megan."

"Those are lovely names." She writes up  the birth certificates and hands them to me. "Because it is 2 am they were born on August 6." She checks my stomach. "Okay you are all healed up. You can put on your clothes and head back home."

I slip back into my clothes and pick up my babies again. Travel back to the house to find a panicking draco. "Draco I'm right here." He looks over and sighs in relief.

"I was so worried when I woke up and you weren't there." He finally notices the babies. "They're so beautiful. What are they?"

"They are both girls Morwen and Megan." I pass Megan to him.

"Wow." Is all he says. We lie them in the cradle by the bed as the have both fallen asleep. We get back in bed and fall back asleep.

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