Chapter 66

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Haven pov

Draco just arrived with his parents and they look thoroughly confused. "Welcome to our home we are having macaroni and cheese with hot dogs for dinner along with a salad."

"Pleasure to be here." I can see their pure blood mask barely holding up at the food choice. They elegantly sit on the couch. "Now draco why are we here?"

Draco looks like he is going to tell them before saying, " we just figured that since we are so close you should meet." He says before dragging me into the kitchen. "I can't do it."

"Well I already had to tell my sister to make this possible and I am carrying them."

"Can't you get someone else to tell them?"

"Well the only people that know that I can easily access are you, me, my sister and Suriel."

With that he walks out and pulls my sister in. "Can you tell them?"

"Heck no. Your on your own." She says before walking back out and sitting on a chair in the living room.

"Can you call Suriel?"

"I guess but my parents don't know him and your parents only know from the meeting."

"My parents are death eaters?!"

"Oh, I thought you knew. Well yeah."

'can you come here for a second?'

He appears in front of us. "You called?"

"Draco was wondering if you could tell our parents about the extra lives."

"Of course where are they?" We sigh in relief and take him to the living room.

"Who is this and how did he get in?"

"Madam I am the high angel Suriel and Haven called me."

"Oh, well why did he call you?"

"Draco and Haven wanted me to tell you that Haven is pregnant and draco is the father." With that he disappears.

"What the hell Suriel!?" I yell up to the sky. Then a burst of fire leaves Lucifer in my living room.

"I believe you called?"

"No I was just cursing."

"Oh how lovely." He looks around at our parents shocked faces. "I think that I will stay this seems like the start of some drama." He folds his legs as he sits on the floor.

My parents faces turn to disappointment and Draco's confusion.

"How?" Draco's mom asks. My parents faces turn to confusion as well at the question.

"So this is not so weird wizards thing?" Mom says.

"No I have not heard of something like this." Draco's dad says. Now they both look at us in confusion.

"We don't know." Draco says.

"So dude gave me the ability without telling me what it did."

Lucifer has wide eyes as he watches from the floor. Our parents sigh. "Well I guess if you didn't know there is nothing you could have done." My father says.

"So how long until the due date." Mom says.

"Like two and a half months."

"How you don't even show?"

I slip the spell off exposing the real size of my belly. "Magic."

"So when where you going to tell the rest of us?" Luci asks.

My parents look at him and then me in confusion. I sigh and sit down. " This is going to be a long explanation. So basically in the wizarding world people who have to face a lot of trials in their life may receive a thing called chosen from fate and lady magic. Chosen are people who are carefully selected for a specific person to love and care for them. Usually people who have chosen only have one. Sometimes they get bit by a werewolf or something adding a creature leading to another chosen. I started with three but fate hates me so now I have 13. Luci here is one of my chosen and he was asking when I was going to tell the rest of my chosen that more people are joining the party. Luci, Suriel already knows and so do the children. We planned on telling you later tonight at toms. You know there is a meeting at 9. Any questions?"

"Who is he? Party? Children? Tom? Meeting? 13!?"

Exasperated I start to answer my mom's question. " He is Lucifer ruler of hell and the party is what we call our family. One of my chosen already had a child and I adopted two from a bad situation. Tom is one of my chosen and he has a group trying to change the wizarding world for the better. Yes I know it is a lot and knowing what has happened so far I don't think it will be the final number."



"Why would he need to change the wizarding world?" My dad asks.

" Many reasons, some are that certain creatures are not treated like people, children from non magical backgrounds are left in abusive homes, children without magic are abandoned or killed and one of the most favored leaders is a power hungry maniac." Draco's parents just nod.

"It sounds like you are doing good in your world. Can we come to the meeting?"

"I suppose but you will need to wear disguises." They nod and we eat dinner before getting ready for the meeting.

*Sorry about the episode sometimes disappearing, I don't know what the problem is but sometimes it just doesn't load right so I have to reupload it.*

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