Chapter 76

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Haven pov

Tasha called me again at about 11 o'clock at night. The children are asleep and all my mates are home so I just start to get ready Tom and Bucky decided to go with me. We travel there.

"What's up?" I say as I walk out of the shadows with them.

"We've got an evil iron man on our hands."

"So Tony went evil? That's unexpected."

"No someone made an evil copy of my suit." Tony says as he walks into the room.

"I see that makes a lot more sense. Show me where this person is."

They take me to a part of the city that is being attacked. I shoot off an anti technology spell and the suit falls to the ground. "See I told you guys you didn't need to come. I didn't even have to fight."

"They didn't clarify so we were just making sure." Bucky clarifies.

"I literally can't die for so many reasons. I can only go to a different plane."Tom grabs Bucky's hand before he can say anything and pops home.

We walk over to where he landed. He can't move or take off his suit due to all of technology not working. I remove his helmet. "Not so scary now."

"Who even are you? This is none of your business!"

" I think it is, as a person who lives in new York."

I gag him and hand him to a shield agent. "Remind me to never piss you off." Tony says with a chuckle.

"Oh I'm not even angry." I smirk as he looks at me in fear.

Just as I am about to head home I feel the magical signature of the bridge. It is really far away.  "Well call me if you need me." I say with a salute before traveling to the place I felt the bridge. I appear in New Mexico and see the mark of the bifrost.

Loki POV

My mother called me home for discussions about who will become king next. I travel to Asgard and go to my mother's room. "Greetings mother."

"Greetings Loki. How was your time on Midgard?"

"I found my soulmate at the magic school and am part of a large family. I have married my soulmate on Midgard in both the magic and not magic worlds."

"Sounds like you probably would rather return to Midgard than become king."

"Yes. I am happy with my life there."

Her eyes flicker to my stomach before looking up at me. "You will have to be here for a few months before you can return back as I am sure your father will pick your brother."

"He has always preferred Thor. Farewell mother I must go set up my quarters."

"Farewell Loki."

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