Chapter 48

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Haven pov

Cedric is quickly rushed outside. I watch as he awkwardly walks over to the dragon. 

Suddenly I hear the dragon start to talk. "Oh so your one of our little speakers mates. I do have to say you are handsome. You would make nice babies. To bad to males can't have babies your children. They would be real heart breakers." I blush as she continues to go on. " I will give you the false egg but I must tell you that if you hurt my baby speaker I will kill you." She picks up the golden egg and hands it to him. He picks it up with confusion and walks back to the tent.

Fleur walks out with a lot of grace and bows to the dragon. The dragon bows back. "What a lovely young lady you are." She says before handing the egg to her.

Victor is up next. I am still blushing hard at the dragons comments. Victor walks in with a lot more confidence. He walks over and the dragon says pretty much the same as the last except she added that she was jealous of my handsome mate. She hand the egg to him after her own threats.

After seeing everyone else have no problem with the dragons he walks out with swagger and false confidence. As the dragon sees him smoke starts to rise. "How dare you and your idiotic family hurt my baby." She gives him a fight and he doesn't end up retrieving the egg.

I walk out onto the field with a blush across my face. I look up to see a disguised tom chuckling at the dragons comments. I walk up to the dragon with a pout. She just grabs me by the back of my shirt and places me in her nest. She snuggles around me. " I'm so glad you are the one I ended up with." She nuzzles my arm. "You guys are so embarrassing. I know most people can't understand you but I still can't believe you guys said all of that in front of this huge crowd of people." She just snuggles closer to me. " They just want to show they care for you. You basically now have 5 dragon moms." I sigh and snuggle her back.

I almost fall asleep when I remember what I was doing. " I have to finish this test and then we can continue." She grumbles and hands me the golden egg. I take it and head back to the tent. Everyone looks at me in shock. I just get the new instructions and head off to where the dragons are to take a nap.

I open all of their cages and they come out and snuggle around me. " Your mates are very handsome." They say. " Yeah, yeah nap time. They quiet down and I drift off into sleep.

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