Chapter 42

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Haven pov

Today is the day of the quidditch world cup. Tom told ahead of time that he plans on causing some havoc. So far this summer I learned a new language, mastered cats big and house, monkeys, apes and bears. My boys are living with little moon. They now have a green ring around their blue eyes and slightly darker skin. Alister has gone through creature inheritance and is a complete werewolf, he has also been showing signs of other magic. During the school year he will go to the labyrinth on the weekends to learn magic and Jare will bring him on full moons.

I get dressed and travel to Malfoy manor. I waltz into the main room to see the malfoys just finishing gathering their stuff. We apparate to the location and go up to the VIP box. "Do you want to go meet the players the game doesn't start for another hour?" Draco asks.


"Mother, father we are going to go meet the Belgian players."

"Be safe and stay together. Be back at least 10 minutes before it starts."

"Okay mother." Draco grabs my hand and we run down the stands. "I only want to meet the Belgian players because the Irish are too rowdy for me." I nod in understanding. We walk to the tent belonging to them. We see the manager outside of the tent.

"What can I do for you boys?"

Draco holds up our VIP passes before talking. "We were wondering if we could meet the team before the game?"

"Of course let me just give them a warning." He goes in and I hear him say  "guys you got VIP fans wanting to see you look alive." I am sure draco didn't hear because it was quiet even with my creature hearing. He walks back out after a moment. "Okay they are ready for you."

We walk in to see 12 people. Most of them are boys but one is a girl. They go around introducing themselves. I only vaguely listen until they get to victor krum. "And this is victor krum our youngest member. Can you believe he is still in school."

I remember his name from my new list at the beginning of summer. I look to see a buff 17 year old. Clearly of Belgian descent. He meets my eyes and I feel the mate connection. He looks at me in awe and I just smile at him. Most people go through creature inheritance at 16 so I'm sure he recognized what this means.

Draco is fangirling over all the players and I walk over to victor. "Hello."

"Hello. I'm victor and you are?"

"Haven pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine. You did feel the connection right?"

"Of course."

"So you are my soulmate. You are so little."

"One of them."

"What do you mean?" I reach over and grab his hand sending sparks through us. He looks at me in confusion

"Do you know what that means?"

"No I can't say I do."

"Basically your my chosen or one of them."

"But isn't that the same as mates?"

"Not exactly. Mates correlate to Creatures but chosen are carefully selected by magic and fate for a person that will have a lot of trials and face abandonment of some kind. All chosen are mates but not all mates are chosen. Chosen are really rare. They are there to protect, love and help the person grow. If a chosen betrays their person they will die."

"Oh. I have heard stories of such a thing but didn't know what it was called."

"As for the comment about mates and of my chosen are mates with each other and me. At the moment I am up to 8."

"That's a lot. I hope to get to know you and the others."

"I'm sure we can work something out."

"I will be at Hogwarts this year."

"Really, why?"

"There is going to be a competition this year between our schools and one other."

"I see well I can introduce you to at least one other at Hogwarts."

"I look forward to it."

"Haven we have to go. The game starts in 15 and mother wants us back."

"Okay." I turn to victor. "I have to go but see you at Hogwarts." I follow draco back to the VIP area and we arrive exactly ten minutes before it starts. We walk in to see the potter's and Wesleys. I sigh and walk over to our seats. Soon the show begins.

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