Chapter 1

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Elisha's POV:

"Bear s-stop it!"

I giggled down the stairs as I clung onto the rails for dear life.

Bennett had grabbed my left arm and was pulling me back to bed with him, although we were late for work.

"I promise, I will chop your fingers into tiny pieces with a kitchen knife and wear them as an accessory."

I threatened with a smirk, trying very hard to look stern but failing miserably.

"Do as you please ma'am."

He grinned and threw me over his broad shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

This was a usual sight to see at the Choi household. Ben and I always acted like two love-sick high schoolers most of the time. If we weren't pillow fighting, we'll be chasing each other around the house or wrestling for a dumb reason.

Many people may think it's strange and childish but we don't care. We weren't like other couples who found fun in going to fancy restaurants and having a spa date. We found pleasure in the small moments we shared here at home.

"Put me down!"

I laughed, out of breath.

"What's the magic word."

He sang, climbing up the flight of stairs.

"It's obviously Abra Kadabra."

I couldn't help but smile as he quietly chuckle at my witty answer.


He said, pushing open the door of our bedroom.

"Fine..." I rolled my eyes, ''please...may you please put me down."

"That's a bit more like it."

Satisfied with his little win, he threw me on the bed and laughed as my curly hair flew in different directions, making me look like I  got attacked by a pack of vicious wolves.

"You look so beautiful."

He teased and strutted towards the door with a grin.

Before he had the chance to walk out, I jumped out of bed and hopped onto his back.

"How did you sleep?"

I whispered into his ear.

"Good but why do you kick so much in your sleep. Are you constantly dreaming about soccer."

"I wouldn't have if it you hadn't been roaring like a lion when you snore." I bit back, "At some point I thought there was an earthquake because the ground was shaking."

He huffed as he prepared to defend himself.

"It's a genetic thing though." He justified himself. "My great grandfather snored, My grandpa snored, my dad snores and now I snore."

"Hopefully our kids don't inherent it. I don't want them scaring away their roomates at school camp."

Abruptly, Bennet stopped on his tracks and put on a sly smirk on his face.

"Speaking of kids, don't you want to make some."

He asked playfully.

"No, now put me down."

I commanded.

Walking towards the kitchen, he gently placed me on the counter and turned to look at me. His russet eyes pierced through mine and captivated me. I knew I had to get away from him. He was making my head spin and causing my heart to stop beating.

Let God Be The Author: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now