Chapter 39

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Bennet's POV:

"Genesis?" I questioned again, watching Elisha dart her round eyes anywhere and everywhere except on me.

"Are you ready? Are you sure?"

Uneasiness had replaced the dread sweeping through her brain. Her body seemed tense and rigid. The smile that once covered her face was wiped away like a house during a flood.

"Yeah...we need it." And for the first time, her eyes eventually met mine. "We can't be acting like nothing happened. We can't sweep this under the rug and continue with life. Genesis existed and she left. We both need closure and healing. I need closure and healing."

With her chest heaving up and down in slow motion, she had finally spewed everything that had been clogged in her heart.

"Ben, when I looked at Adira for the first time, I felt a sudden connection with her. And it dawned to me that maybe...just maybe I still haven't moved on from the loss of our child. Maybe I think that I'm fine but deep down I'm not. We need to sit down properly and talk about things."

Inside, I was freaking out but my words didn't reflect how I feel.

I nodded, "Ok.."

I knew we were going to have this conversation, it was inevitable, but somehow a sense of panic arose inside of me. If it wasn't panic then an indescribable feeling of fearing something that you cannot quite put your finger on. An immovable gut feeling at the pit of your stomach.

"Ok." She mimicked my gesture, taking out a heavy, burdened breath.

Just as I was about to grab her hand for comfort, a mass of thumping footsteps approached us with playful screams.

Tiny, innocent eyes stared upon us with beaming faces showcasing bright smiles.

A little girl stepped forward, dressed in a pink, bedazzled dress with hair tied into two buns. A fluffy teddy bear clung tightly under her slim arm as she nervously bounced forward and back on her feet.

"Can you come play with us?" She looked at Elisha who seemed taken aback by her request.

"Me?" Her eyes bulged out in confusion before a pleasantly surprised smile spread across her face. "Umm...of course..."

Before she could finish her sentence, many tiny hands gripped onto her arm and pulled her away towards the netball court.

"Talk later!" She bid goodbye, getting dragged away by a bunch of 6 year old's with the strength of 6 lions.

"Sure thing." I waved until she disappeared around the corner and her melodious giggle fainted into thin air.

How could one individual hold so much beauty?

The question immersed itself in my mind as I picked up the paint can and headed up the unsteady ladder. The ground was unevenly leveled so the ladder would hobble from time to time.

Lashing it's heat on my back, the sun ruled the sky and chased away any cloud. Stretching my arm out to paint the top portion of the wall, I could feel a presence standing behind me before they cleared their throat to get my attention.

"Have you come to lend a helping hand?" I questioned, not turning around.

"Nope," Harry laughed, "It seems like you've got everything under control. As they say, too many chefs spoil the broth."

"They also say, teamwork makes a dream work." I grinned, throwing a spare paint brush in his direction. "Now more painting and less talking!"

The man stared at the brush like it's some foreign object, something he's never seen before.

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