Chapter 9

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Elisha's POV:

Though I wore a bright smile on my face, deep down I was fuming. Who decides to invite their ex to a family dinner and doesn't inform his wife? husband...thats who.

As everyone sat in the lounge, playing Couple Trivia, my eyes kept drifting to the overdressed woman, whose been trailing behind Ben the entire night like a lost puppy. Her eyes continuously stole glances at the married man as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

How I couldn't wait for everyone to leave so I could have a nice chat with the beloved Bennet Lorenzo Choi.

"And the next couple is Zach and Brielle." I announced, getting back to reality and doing my job as the host.

I honestly didn't want to engage with Ben, and with that, I decided to be the host of the game and ask questions and for Harmony be his teammates. Of course, Gemma volunteered to take the position but Ben kindly declined her offer. That alone just ticked me even more.

"So Brie Brie..." I pulled out a card from the deck and read the question out loud, "What is 3×3×3"

"3×3×3?" The curly-haired female repeated. " Wait...hold on a minute?"

Letting out a nervous chuckle, she looked down at her fingers and started counting. "Nah... thats suppose to be a trick question." She confidently said.

A deadly silence filled the whole room as everyone stared at the female in disbelief. Pressing my lips together, I fought back the urge to laugh burning inside of me.

"The answer is...36?" Her eyes squinted, looking at her boyfriend Zach for confirmation. "Yes...I'm sure it's 36!"

"Somebody help her, she needs to be saved." Grandma Linda threw her hands up in surrender.

Brielle, who was still counting with her fingers and staring up at ceiling kept rambling the most random numbers. And that's when I lost it. Bursting into laughter, I lost all balance and ended up on the wooden floor, my ugly, hyena laugh taking control of me.

"Stop looking up at the ceiling!" Zach exclaimed, " its not going to give you an answer!"

"Could you stop talking, your making me nervous!"

"Ok next question." Wiping away the last tear, I pulled out the second card, "Name a state that starts with the letter O"

If she couldn't answer this question, I was going to officially cut her out of my life.


And she did the unthinkable.

"I am fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten. " Sighed Zach, rubbing his temple.

There were 15 seconds left on the clock and she still hadn't gotten an answer correct, in contrast to Zach who answered all his like lightening.

"Last question...what has a mouth but never talks, runs but never walk, has bed but never sleeps?"

My eyes drilled into hers, waiting for an answers. She had to know this. It was part of a General Knowledge quiz we did in varsity and the only question she got correct.

"A river!" She excitedly answered.


And as if they had won a Grammy or an Oscar, the two love birds embraced each other, filled with excitement and jumping all over the place. My heart melted once they did their signature couple's handshake that ended with a light peck on the cheek.

"It's just a game." My mother said separating the two. "So what's the scoreboard?"

A chuckle left my mouth at how she said it was just a game but was still eager to find out the score.

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