Chapter 31

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Elisha's POV:

"Can we talk?" He whispered in a husky voice that made my heart beat quicker in anticipation.

Danger! Danger! Danger! Alert! I had to get away from him. My body warned, sending out all kinds of sirens.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I replied about to walk off but he blocked my way.

"Please Elisha." He pleaded, a strand of hair falling in his chestnut eyes. "I can't stand this unaddressed tension between us. It's driving me insane."

"But you created it." I scoffed, irritated by his ask. "You were unfaithful and you made your unfaithfulness public. I became a laughingstock. I had to live with the whispers and gossip said behind my back. I had to go through a pregnancy and miscarriage alone. So don't ask me to talk because I'm not ready."

He just stared and expelled a heavy breath. His fingers combing through his hair as he looked at me."Then when will you be ready?" His voice was just above a whisper as he interlocked our eyes.

I felt naked underneath his strong gaze, like he could see and hear every thought in my head.

"Once my heart stops beating for you." I confessed, my heart tugging as I said the words I'd been holding back for a while. "Once I can finally move on and not feel like crying whenever I walk into a room with you inside. Once I can finally muster the strength to leave you and have no regrets."

It was silence for a while but I could feel his eyes on me still.

"I love you Bennet and it sucks because you've hurt me so much. I don't want to love you. I don't want that. I don't want these feelings. I don't want the pain that comes with having them.

"But I want you" He said firmly, cutting me off. "... And I don't want things to end. Elisha I love you with all my heart. I want to do life with you and die with you. I'm not ready to let you go. You make me a better man. You make me happy. You give me a million reasons to wake up every morning and live. You are my home. You are my future."

Gazing into his eyes and searching for any hidden emotions, all I saw was genuine sadness.

"And I'm so sorry." He started. "Sorry for causing you so much pain. Sorry for cheating on you. Sorry for not being there when you were pregnant. And lastly, I'm sorry for failing you as a husband. Im sorry for everything. "

Grabbing my hand into his, he cradled it into his chest and placed a gentle kiss, ever so lightly. Shivers went down my spine as I tried keeping my composure, not showing the effect he had on me.

Though, we both could hear footsteps approaching, it seemed like we were glued to our positions and couldn't move. We were well aware that someone was coming but somehow, we didn't care. At this moment in time, it was just us two in this crazy world.

"I'll be patient." He said in a strained voice. "I'll wait for you to trust me again. I'll wait for you to heal. Even if it takes years... I'll do it. Just please don't give up on us. Not yet."

Taking a deep breath to speak, someone rudely interrupted my attempt. "Ola strangers, am I interrupting something here."

It was Asher.

"So-ooo you abandoned me for this guy?" He slurred on his words, stammering his way to Ben and I.

By the looks of things, he was heavily under the influence. He could barely construct a simple sentence, let alone walk in a sraight line.

"Asher leave. You're drunk." I instructed, watching him down a gulp of whiskey like it was water.

"And. So. What." He taunted, his hot alcoholic breath fanning past my face as he stood in front of me. A disgusting smirk took over his face but dropped instantly once Ben swerved me behind him.

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