Chapter 15

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Bennet's POV:

You never know how good you really have it, until you sabotage one of the most precious things in your life. I knew that I was suppose to tell Elisha the truth, but it was hard when there was a possibility I could lose her.

I didn't want to know what it was like when she was gone. I didn't want to move on without her in my life. Besides God, she was the first person to love me at my worst. I was far away from perfect but she saw worth in me.

I could already imagine the outcome of me telling her that I had been unfaithful. She was going to slip through my fingertips, a little bit by a little bit, and there's gonna be nothing I can do about it.

"You good man?" Inquired Harry, seeing me plunged in my own dark world.

"No." I simply replied, getting a concerned look from the man standing in front of me with a scowl.

There was no point in lying to him. He's been my brother for years now and he could tell when I was being deceitful. If I were to lie, I would only be fooling myself.

"What did you do to Elisha this time." He slapped me on the shoulder as a show of brotherly love.

Silence. That's all there was in the vacuum space between us as I failed to even find a proper start for this explanation.

"Did you mess up that much." His eyebrows quirked up as he laughed at my pain.

I guess by the scowl on my face and downturned smile, he realised the seriousness of this situation.

"You weren't joking?" His smirk washed away once he saw the dread in my eyes.

"Yeah man." A heavy sigh escaped my dry lips, "Ive probably thrown our whole relationship in the trash at this point."

Running my hands through my greasy hair for the hundreth time, I pulled the strings of my black hoodie to bury my head and create some artificial darkness.

"Im sure it's not that bad." Harry encouraged, "As long as you didnt cheat then I'm sure you can work it out."

My head dropped as soon as the word cheat was said. An image of me kissing Gemma flashed through my head which made my stomach turn in disgust.

"You didn't cheat on her, right?" Harry asked in a threatening tone, which made me resort to silence.

"Ben did you or did you not cheat on your wife." His voice was a loud whisper that had a hiss at the end.

"I messed up okay! Matter a fact, I messed up big time!"

The colour from his face washed away as he stared at me in horror. Never in a billion years would he have thought that I could do such a thing and so did I.

"You've got to be joking. " He shook his head in disbelief, "You better not tell me it was with that crow called Gemma."

His face wrinkled as he hissed her name in displeasure, like it was a rotten apple or something.

"I was caught up in the moment. One thing led to another and all I remember was us ..."

"Don't finish that sentence!" He cut me off , "I don't want that horrible picture stuck in my head."

If Harry responds like this then I wonder what I was in store for with Elisha.

"And I'm guessing you haven't told her yet?" He reffered to Elisha.

All I did was nod as a response ,which was probably not the answer he was wanting by the way he drastically threw his hands up in the air.

"Are you mad? Is your brain psychologically damaged? What do you mean you haven't told her?"

"Guilt, that's why." I explained, "We got into a massive argument this morning and I feel like rubbish. And the worst part is I watched her leave the house drenched in tears. I don't deserve her."

"I agree." He spoke aggrevated, "She is too good for you. She gives up everything on her plate just to make you happy and what do you do in return."

I knew what he wanted me to say but I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"You cheat on her! Say it out loud because you managed to do it."

"Thank you for making me feel better." I sarcastically replied with a fake smile.

"You're not supposed to feel better. You messed up...big time, and now you want people's sympathy? "

"I know I messed everything up just like I normally do. I know I'm not the best husband in the world and Elisha deserves better. But cut me some slack bro."

"All I'm saying is you've done something stupid and you need to fix it. Right now. Elisha's my sister and family doesn't keep secrets from each other."

He didn't need to say anymore because I knew what he meant.

"Now grab your bags and lets hop on this plane. " He ordered, "We have a big match ahead of us."

Adjusting my backpack and dragging my suitcase, we walked towards the other teammates. Although, laughs and vibrant energy surrounded me, I was lost in my own world filled with problems.

"Excuse Ben," I felt a light tap on my shoulder which turned out to be from Gemma, "can I please talk to you."

She flicked her hair to the side and twinkled her eyes which made me cringe.

"No!" Interjected Harry, " now turn around and go check in your luggage. Thank you in advance for your obedience."

He forcefully smile through his teeth which made his elastic skin wrinkle.

"Excuse me but who are you?" The brunette barked back.

"I should be asking you that question. Now if you'll excuse us."

And with that the man grabbed me by the arm and yanked me in the direction of the plane waiting for us to go aboard.


Hello beautiful people ✝️

I hope you are all well and still breathing the beautiful air that we have been blessed with.

All I have to say for this chapter is wow. Bennet has really messed up this time and I wonder how and when he's gonna break the news to Elisha.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed.


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