Chapter 38

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Elisha's POV:

"Elisha!" Ben called from the shower. "Elisha!"

"Yes!" I replied, wrapped in a towel and drying my wet, tangled hair.

"Can you please get me a towel?!" His voice boomed louder than the water that sprinkled to the ground.

"Coming right up." I jumped and hurriedly walked across the bedroom to the bathroom.

Knocking on the door, I could smell my expensive, strawberry shower gel fill the whole room.

Ben had been digging in my toiletry bag again! Great.

"Come in" He instructed in a mischievous tone which made me alert. He was up to something and I knew what it was.

"Why?" I questioned, apprehensive.

"My hands can't go through a closed door, can they?" The sarcasm in his voice was as clear as daylight.

Slowly, I creaked opened the door, calculating every step and action I made.

Feeling a bit safe, I mustered some courage and popped my head into the room filled with foggy steam.

Standing with a white towel wrapped around his torse, Bennet leaned against the sink facing me. His hair was touseled and wet, hanging in front of his chocolate eyes which stared at me.

"I know what you're doing." I said, handing him his towel.

His brows twitched in amusement. "Do you not trust me?"

He didn't break eye contact. Not even for a breath.

"Absolutley not." I breathed out and stood in front of him, firmly.

He didn't look away. It was almost like he was challenging me. Wanting to see how long I could stay under his gaze.

"Can I take my leave now." I asked, feeling the intense tension build in the room.

"Do as you please." He nodded but somehow I didn't move an inch.

The passion continued rising until we both gave in and our lips met. His hands grabbed me by the waist and closed the space between us, goosebumps swarming my body.

My fingers glided down the side of his face to his neck, his lips felt sweet but rough, at the same time. Like a bittersweet chocolate. Like a long awaited lightening strike.

Picking me up and placing me on the bathroom vanity, he cupped my face and whispered the words, "I love you, Elisha Choi."

His words sent shivers down my spine, serving as a reminder of his love.

Although it's wasn't the first time he'd said this, it sure felt the most special. The most sincere.

"I love you too." I whispered back, my arms around his neck as his forehead rested on mine.

Later that day at 13:30...

"And we are here." The driver announced, parking next to a big gate written, Ikamva Elikhanyayo Children's Home, in bold.

From the outside, you could see young kids playing soccer and chasing the ball, screaming to get it kicked in their direction.

On the other side of the yard, another bigger group was singing and dancing, using anything that they could find to produce music.

Sitting on a swing, a young boy, about the age of 7, would constantly jump out of his swing and go assist the little girl besides him. Whenever she lost momentum, he would quickly give her a little push and run back to his own swing again.

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