Chapter 5

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Bennet's POV:

"Can you please pass me the unpunctured tire?"

I politely requested Gemma who silently stood beside me and watched every move I made.

"Sure thing."She sped up to the boot and pulled out the wheel with much struggle.

She staggered as she walked with the object, taking tiny steps because of the weight weighing her down. Her legs wobbled as she came closer.

"Are you good there?" I questioned, observing the struggling lady.

Before she got the chance to answer my question, the heel of her stiletto broke causing her to twist her ankle and fall face first with a loud thud on the hard ground.

"Dang it!" She yelled as she picked herself and repositioned her body to sit.

"Are you okay?" I asked horrified, seeing blood drip from the graze on her knee and a scratch on her forehead.

"It's just a little scratch!" She shrugged, "Nothing I can't handle."

A wince played on her face as she studied the injury on her knee. Pushing herself up with great force , she moved a few inches then plucked herself back down.

"Let me help you up."I offered, extending my hand for her to take.

"Gracias." She thanked as she got up, hobbling on one leg until she was able to stand properly.

"Why don't you take the shoes off." I advised, seeing the broken piece dangling. "Im sure you'll feel a lot better."

"That is a good idea but i refuse.My toes do gang signs and that's visual pollution. They go over and underneath each other."

We stared at each other for a few seconds then giggled in unison at the comical confession. The tension between us disappeared as it was replaced by our laughter and bright spirit.

"Trust me, I've seen worse." I whispered as if it was a secret.

"So you promise you won't judge."

Her forest green eyes squinted when she glared at me.

"You have my word." I promised.

After much hesitation, she yanked the stilettos off her feet and sighed in relief. Pushing her head back and closing her eyes, she rubbed her aching feet that were tortured by the shoes.

"That feels so good." She let out another sigh at the end

"I like your toes G." I mocked with a grin, pointing to the burgundy painted toenails.

"Don't start with me Choi. Remember when I slapped Carl unconscious in varsity." A smile trickled on my face as I relived the moment in my head. "And I sure haven't lost my touch yet."

All I could do was purse my lips at the threat. After so many years, you would have thought that Gemma would have lost her feisty side but clearly I was wrong. The feistiness was still there and better than ever.

I thought this would be the perfect moment to ask about the Carl and baby situation that happened in our days at school but something inside told me that I should just keep quiet. It would be a very sensitive topic that would probably open up old wounds.

"Are you almost done."

Gemma peeped over my shoulder, shivering because of the weather that was rapidly changing and the blasting wind.

"Yeah, just a few more minutes."

She nodded and continued to rub her bare arms to generate some form of heat.

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