Chapter 14

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Elisha's POV:

"Bennet Lorenzo Choi, you better call me back or else..."

I dropped the phone, for the sixth time, before I could say anything the Lord wouldn't approve of.

Turning my head back at the clock that read 3am, I could feel my eyes stinging from the overwhelming emotions I was experiencing. My mind was racing a thousand miles per hour, not giving me a chance to differentiate intrusive thoughts from reality.

What if he was laying on the side of the road with a car turned upside down, from a tragic road accident? What if he was hijacked and walking back home in the dark? What if he was with another woman?

"No Elisha." I reprimanded myself, not allowing the thought to get to me."Ben would never do such a thing. He loves you and will definitely come back."

Fidgeting with whatever was on the kitchen counter, I tried to take my mind off the situation but that didn't work. The extreme quietness of the house made it known that there was a loud presence missing.

"Dear Heavenly Father," I paced up and down the kitchen, closing my eyes as I prayed, "Please bring my husband back to me, safe and unharmed. Please Lord may you remove any dangers that may come his way. Please...please...please." I begged, fighting back the tears as I stared at the positive pregnancy test in my hand.

"I don't want to raise this child on my own. I need Ben here... with me."

The harder I prayed, the more faith I kept losing as the silence of the driveway greeted my ears.

He wasn't back yet.

I felt so useless, out of control and mad. Very mad.

Picking my phone for the hundreth time, I dialed his number with less hope than before, "Bennet please pick up your phone. Do something. Get back to me. I'm worried sick about you."

This time my voice was wobbly and frightened. Frightened that I was trapped in this massive house, frantically waiting for my long-lost husband.

"Daddy's going to come back my angel." I whispered as I rubbed my still flat stomach, staring at the ultrasound pictures "Don't worry. He'll never disappoint you and he won't start now."

Although I was very much still petrified, a dim light fell apon me as I realised I was going to be a mother. Ever since I was five, I would always stuff my stomach with clothes and act like I was expecting. It felt so surreal that that dream actually came to life and a little human was growing inside of me.

"Im back!" Echoed a voice, coming up the stairs from the underground garage.

Running to the lounge, all anxiety left when I stared at the man spinning his car keys around his index finger in a relaxed manner.

"Where have you been?" I asked, watching Ben's face drop at the question.

Our eyes connected and he didn't look the man I had seen earlier in the morning. His eyes were bloodshot red and his hair looked messy, as if he had been running his hands through it more than a few times.

"Why are you still awake?" He questioned back, avoiding the topic.

"Where have you been?" I repeated, more firm and assertive.

"Can we talk about this later?" He threw his jacket on the couch and headed up the stairs to our bedroom, holding onto the rails for support.

"No. I want answers now and you shall it them to me now!" I trailed behind him up.

"Elisha I've had a rough night, drop it please."

"You've had a rough night?" I rolled my eyes at his pathetic excuse, "I've been waiting for you since 3PM yesterday and you have the audacity to tell me you've had a rough night. I need to get ready to got to work in 4 hours and you're telling me you've had a rough night. I haven't slept a blink of an eye because I'm hopelessly waiting for my husband who is gallavanting the whole of Texas."

"What do you want from me Elisha." He raised his voice, catching me off guard.

"Answers! All I want are answers!"

"Just leave me alone." He staggered up the stairs as if he was under the influence of alcohol.

"Have you been drinking ?" I grabbed the hem of his shirt and turned him around. "I am talking to you Ben! Answer the question!"

Our faces were inches apart and I could smell the disgusting and rotten smell of alcohol from his breath. I couldn't believe it. He had been drinking.

"How am I suppose to know?" He yanked my hands off him and continued walking before turning around again, "Actually, can you stop being a nagger and become a wife."

"What did you say?"

I climbed a step so I can be eye level with him.

"I said, quite being a nagger and become a wife." This time he said it more slower and clearer.

His words were like a sharp edged sword penetrating into my heart at a slow rate and all I could do was watch and act unfazed.

"So this is how it's gonna be. You gonna shut me out." I was so hurt that I couldn't raise my voice any longer.

"You're making me shut you out becuse you don't want to drop it. I've asked you nicely but you still go against my wishes. "

I looked at him, not believing what I was hearing.

"I hope you know that it takes one word to build a relationship and one word to destroy even the strongest. You have a flight to catch to Miami in 9 hours and I hope guilt eats you up because of the way you've treated me and disobeyed God. I hope you never heal from what you've just done to me."

I pushed him aside and went up the stairs. "And just so you know," I turned around with fiery eyes, "you're definitely not sleeping with me on the same bed."

He scoffed at my statement whilst pulling me closer to face him, "I pay tax and bills. I have the right to sleep in MY bed. If you have a problem, deal with it yourself. "

"You disgust me! You pig!" I spat out, feeling myself lose my sanity slowly but surely.

"I've been called worse. " He smirked then walked away, leaving me on the staircase,facing the grey wall decorated with our wedding pictures.

I chuckled in disbelief at this thing called marriage I was in. Chuckling at how ridiculous, mad and useless I can be portrayed for caring for someone.

The amount of anger I was feeling was like a dormant volcano ready to erupt. My fingers were trembling because of my fury. All I wanted to do was cuss, break something, hurt someone but I couldn't, and that made me even more angry.

"I hate... the things you do Bennet!" I yelled, not able to bring myself to say I hate him.


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There is so much happening that I can't even express how I feel.

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