Chapter 12

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Elisha's POV:

Walking down the empty hospital corridor, I could feel exhaustion taking over my body as every step felt heavier than the last.

"Lord, please give me the strength to continue with this day. " I silently prayed, going up the six steps which seemed to take forvever.

Today was definitely not one of my best days.

As I turned the corner to enter the canteen area for all staff members, I spotted a little girl, crouching in the middle of the pasage, fiddling with her shoelaces.

Every time she untied them, she would throw her hands up in fury and mumble inaudible words which were filled with aggression.

"Are you kidding me!" She eventually burst, "Why are you doing this to me shoes!"

I let out a light chuckle at how such a tiny person could have so much built in anger.

"If you keep behaving like this, I won't wear you again!"

The more she attempted to tie her laces, the more she failed and got angry. At this point, you could see a cloud of smoke coming out of her head and veins popping out of her neck.

"Hi there." I tapped her shoulder from the back, making her jolt up. "What are you up to?"

Her rosy lips pushed out into a pout as she looked at the ground," Im learning to tie my shoelaces but its really hard."

Innocence was written all over her soft, hazel eyes that reminded me of someone whom I couldn't put my finger on. Her head was covered in long, wavy, jet-black hair which emphasized her round face and chubby cheeks.

"Do you want me to help. "I questioned, crouching down so I could meet her captivating eyes.

"Yes please." The girl nodded in response.

Grabbing the two strings, I brought them close together and started singing the song my mom taught me on how to tie laces. Once I finished the song, the little girl once again untied the laces but this time, did them perfectly by herself.

"You are so smart!" I cheered, giving her a high-five for her small achievement.

It was moments like this that I wished Ben and I had a baby. I could already envision him teaching our daughter how to ride a bike or play football. Showing her how well she should be treated by a man and how she should never feel intimidated by anybody.

I could also see him with our son, teaching him how to be a true God-fearing man who treats women with respect and love.

"Hi Boogerface." A loud voice echoed throughout the empty passage, making me zoom back to reality. "You ready to go home?"

The little girl's face brightened up as she ran to the man who turned out to be Samuel.

"No. I wanna work here." She protested.

"You know you have karate in 45 minutes, right." He planted a soft kiss on her tiny neck. "And Mr Johnstone always says..."

"If you lack discipline, you will lack in karate." They strained their voices and furrowed their brows in unison, probably imitating Mr Johnstone.

"I see you've met Emiliana." Samuel drifted his eyes to me for a split second then focused on the little girl again.

You could tell he had a soft spot for her by the way protection and pure love radiated from him when he was with her. His eyes glowed everytime she giggled with a snort at the end when he tickled her.

"She is so adorable." I said, picking up her teddy which fell to the ground. "How old is she?"

"Five!" She blurted but pointed up four fingers.

"You mean five." Samuel corrected and lifted another finger.

"My bad." She scrunched her nose, making my heart warm.

It should be illegal for anyone to be this cute.

Mustering a fake smile back at a co-worker that walked past me, my stomach turned at the disgusting smell of the bacon sandwich they were eating. The sickness, from earlier on, came back like a ton of bricks and my body lost its balance and sense of gravity.

"Are you still feeling nauseous. " Asked Samuel, putting Emiliana down and checking on me.

"Yeah unfortunately but I'll push through the pain."

Although I forced a smile that could fool many, it couldn't work on Samuel who knew me since childhood.

"You need to go home and rest." He instructed, feeling my forehead for any extreme body temperatures that indicated a flu.

"No, I'll be fine." I removed his hand , "I'll just drink some pain killers and move on with life."

"Pain killers won't help this situation.  You are sick."

"But I'll be fine." I insisted, fighting the  urge to not flinch and the sharp pain that shot through my nose and was heading to my head.

"I am your boss and I have the final say. You will go and rest. Stop being stubborn." He grabbed the stethoscope from around my neck and put in in my hand. "You are off duty. Now go and rest."

I rolled my eyes at he wasn't going to let me win, "Fine. Boss.". I smiled, genuine this time.

"And if you need anything, just call me." He instructed, gently grabbing Emiliana's wrist and heading to the elevators.

"Bye." I waved, seeing them disappear into the lift.

"Bye ma'am." The cute girl waved back, with her missing-teeth smile.


Hello beautiful people ✝️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please stayed tuned for the next because it is CRAZY!!All im going to say is Gemm is really something....different and Ben should keep her at arms length.

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