Chapter 40

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Elisha's POV:

"I love her but I'm not in love with her."

Harry says but you can see the love dripping from his eyes as he speaks to her.

"I don't wanna rush into things."

Brielle assures but the way his name rolls off her pink lips like honeys says otherwise.

They didn't like each other anymore. They weren't in-like either. Yes they loved each other but that was a bland word to describe how they truly felt. They were inlove. They had fallen for each other. Fallen so deep that they both couldn't climb out the hole they had created. They didn't want to.

There was something between them, a heat that burnt like fire. But this fire wasn't passion, lust or desire, it was something more than that. It was pure, nurturing and godly. Their love was centred around Christ.

Running into the main building for shelter, the camera crew was trying to escape the pouring rain. Funny how it was scorching an hour ago but now, the sun had completely disappeared and was replaced with dark, gloomy, grey clouds.

"Right!" Mama F exclaimed, writing another name on the chalk board. "So who's next?"

A bunch of hands came flying up in the air, showing that there wasn't a single shy learner in class. Everyone was impatiently waiting for their chance to speak as they all dramatically swayed their arms left and right in hopes of getting selected.

"Warabile" Mama F pointed out.

The boy proudly stood up and adjusted his t-shirt.

You could tell he was a problem child by his mischeivous grin that was missing two front teeth.

"Hello! My name is Warabile but everyone calls me Wara." His voice was high pitched and carried a sense of innocence but mischeif. He was very short but you could tell he had a big personality. "I'm six years old and when I grow up I want to become a firefighter or soccer player."

"A firefighter?" I exclaimed taken aback, "And why do you want to be a firefighter Wara?"

"To stop fire from burning people." He answered confidently, "And to make sure everyone is out of danger."

Pulling up his long sleeved t-shirt, he revealed a burn mark that covered his forearm. Although it was fully healed, it was darker in comparison to his natural pigment.

"When I was a baby, I got burnt and it left this big scar. When I'm a firefighter, I'll make sure no one ever gets hurt by fire like me. I'll be their superhero."

His wide-eyed, bright smile opened my heart to admire his sentimental words.

"But don't you think that having a scar makes you look quite tough and strong." I questioned, hoping I wasn't poking a sensative topic.

The boy proudly nodded, "Mama F says it makes me unique!"

"It sure does." I confirmed, watching him pull down his sleeve again. "It sure does."

A couple of hours passed, the sky beginning to turn pitch black as nightfall began to ease in. After a long, hectic but fun day, we eventually finished snaking around the classroom and getting to know the learners. Some were shy at first glance but after breaking the ice, they revealed their true personalities and little quirks.

From playing hide-and-seek and scrabble to learning traditional games and how to braid, this experience had very much been refreshing and memorable.

Being at the children's home had opened my eyes to so many things that I didn't notice. The love that the kids had and radiated was so heartwarming and pure. It didn't feel forced. The unity they shared was amazing. It proved that family wasn't based on blood only but on bond.

"The car is ready!" A production crew member announced, "It's time for us to leave before the rain catches up."

The mood dampened as the kids booed in unison, pointing their short thumbs downwards,"Can't you leave tomorrow morning!" Warabile queried, who proved to be quiet the unfiltered extrovert from the few hours I had spent with him.

"Unfortunately not." Bennet chipped in, "But we'll visit again before we leave."

"You promise dude." He put on his best attempted American accent.

"I'll try my best bro."

The two shook hands like strict businessmen running billion dollar worth businesses, sealing a serious business deal.

Everyone, especially the production team, was entertained by their deep rooted friendship that grew from the love of blue and soccer.

"The van is outside and it's about to leave." Brielle informed, standing by the doorway with muddy boots.

"We'll be there." I said for the 100th time, so much that it was starting to annoy her.

"Im giving you 5 more minutes." And with that she headed back to the vehicle, almost slipping on her way out.

I bite back a giggle.

The terrible weather had really ruined the terraine and made everything so muddy.

"Well thank you for being with us today and please come back." Mama F spoke up, reaching out for a hug.

"We sure will do." I replied, submerged in her motherly embrace.

"And who else wants a hug?!" I turned to the kids who raced out their seats and scurried over, abandoning their desks.

I was stumbling all over the room as my body was being squeezed the life out of it, like a lemon being prepared to make lemonade. They were all stronger than they looked. I even lost count of how many times I had to gasp for air.

"You can let go now." Mama F intervened after noticing my silent cry for help."We still want Elisha to live, don't we?"

It took a minute for everyone to process her words and let me go but they did, eventually.

Ben and I then said our final goodbyes and headed to the car.

After a lot of struggle, slipping and sliding, we entered the warm and dry vehicle that had been waiting for us.

Buckling into the car seat and exiting the gate, it dawned to me how fast time actually travels. I mean not so long ago, I was six years old too, flying paper planes and driving wooden trains. But now, life is so complicated and the taller I got, the smaller my dreams became. It's the more I realised what reality truly meant.

But I guess that's what maturing and adulting means.

Feeling restricted.

But as much as you feel restricted, you learn about and experience life. So there is a pro and con. Realising what reality means but also unboxing the gift of life.

Resting my head on the window, a wave of sleep hit me like a ton of bricks as exhaustion came into full swing.

"You're going to call it an early night." Ben asked, noticing my drowsiness.

"I think so." I answered, checking the time on the car dashboard.


Totally forgot that Moalia Coast was 4 hours behind Texas. No wonder I was as sleepy as a sloth. My brain and body thought it was 23:00.

"Come here Chubs." Ben pulled me to his shoulder, gently sliding the hair out my face as I buried my head in his chest.

The last thing I remember is Ben mumbling a silent prayer for me as we drove pass a series of streetlights.

Its something he's been doing ever since we got engaged then married. Whenever I take a quick nap late at night, he will always pray for me just incase I wake up the next morning without having said a prayer the night before.

"In Jesus name we pray, Amen." He concluded.

"Amen." I repeated half-alseep, drifting into a deep slumber afterwards.

Hello beautiful people ✝️

Hopefully you enjoyed this chilled chapter that was relatively drama free.


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