Chapter 30

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Elisha's POV:

Once we were done with eating and giving out the awards, it was soon time to dance and socialize.

Most of the people went outside to get some fresh air and take pictures but Harry and I decided to stay behind and make good use of the dancefloor.

It felt refreshing to talk to someone about something that excluded Ben's infidelity, my miscarriage or Lupus. Yes, my family and friends cared for me but I didn't like the fact that they saw my struggles and hardships everytime they looked at me. In some sense, they were holding me back from healing.

Whenever I took one step closer to closure, they would pull me ten steps back. Whenever, I started becoming my old self again, they would remind me of my past struggles that I wanted to forget. Not that I was ashamed but I used it as a coping mechanism.

"Thank you again for being my knight in a suit and keeping me company during this horrendous event." I thanked Harry, feeling very appreciative that he was here.

"No need to thank me." He chuckled, "Plus it was Ben who asked me to come so I think he deserves the recognition, not me."

My body tensed up at the name... Ben.

It seemed like every corner I turned, he was the hot topic on everyone's mouth. I've heard his name a billion times tonight and it was driving me crazy. I was tired of it.

"You know he still loves you, right?" Harry asked lamely, like it was an obvious observation.

"I'm aware." My breath hitched as he twirled me around then resumed to our previous position. A good distance separated our bodies as we stepped to the music.

"So what's your take on it?" He asked guns blazing, as if this question had been lingering in his mind the entire night.

I froze a little, unsure of how to respond. "I...I..." My voice trailed off, figuring a proper answer.

Thankfully the song ended and a large group of people entered the room like a swarn of bees.

"I think we should head back to the table. " I suggested, seeing the dancefloor become overcrowded with couples.

Before Harry could reply, I was already a couple of meters away, dashing to my table. If walking like a crazy woman was going to bail me from answering his question, I didn't mind the reputation.

As I was practically galloping away, my face collided into a brick-walled chest. Before I could even process what happened and apologise, the man chuckled in amusement.

"Looks like we meet again Mrs Elisha." His voice sounded familiar, very familiar.

Glancing up to see the mystery male, my mouth distorting into an o-shape as my eyes bugged out. "Coffee shop guy!" I exclaimed, shocked to see him here.

"It's Asher." He cracked a smile. "But I'm not against the nickname."

"Sorry I'm terrible with names." I apologised, still shocked at his presence.

Handing me a glass with what seemed as champagne, an intrigued smirk played on his face. "I think you need this refreshment after a long workout on the dancefloor." His voice was silvery, like he had something in his mind.

"Unfortunately, I don't drink the devil's juice." I handed back the alcoholic beverage, "I'm a born again Christian."

He seemed taken aback for a minute but recomposed himself again.

"Then would you mind if I stole you for a dance or two." His brows perched up when he requested, right on queue as Harry walked up to us with an alerted face.

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