Chapter 33

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Elisha's POV:

He left and slowly shut the door behind him.

He left like the years we've spend building our marriage centered around God meant nothing to him.

Why did it seem like I was fighting and he was just standing at a corner, watching all my hard efforts go to waste?

Why did it seem like I was in this alone?


That's what he was.

Basing his decision on what other people thought, what Asher thought. Of all people, why him?

I was left in the dark confused, angry but mostly importantly, disappointed. I gave him my forgiveness and he said no thank and strutted out. He indirectly showed me that anything bad could turn his head away from our marriage, our hardwork.

Walking up to the panoramic window,  I sighted him hopping into his sleek black limousine and driving off into the distance.

That tiny sight was enough for me to understand and accept the circumstance.

It was over.


Bennet's POV:

Sooner or later, I found myself in the limo, pulling out of the parking lot.

Immediately as the car engine roared and my personal driver turned the steering wheel, I eased the burning sensation in my heart by releasing the waterfall of tears.

I had hurt her again.

I had broken her.

My purely selfish reasons had driven me to letting her go.

And although, I thought this decision would make things better, it turned out to be a rotten apple, appearing good on the outside, at first glance, but after taking a bite, leaving a horrible taste in your mouth.

I had let go of the rope.

Looking up at the panoramic windows from outside the skyscraper,  she was silhouetted against the lights but I knew it was her. Thought her shadow was the only piece of evidence, it was without a doubt her.

She was looking at me, leaning against a wall, still in her evening gown. But after a few seconds she stepped away and suddenly the lights of her room went off.

"Stop the car!" I commanded, "Stop the car right now."

"Yes-s s-sir." The gentleman frantically replied, making the vehicle come to a sudden halt as I flew out.

"I'll be back."

And with that I ran back to the hotel, past the lobby and up the stairs until I was face to face with her door, 345.

"Elisha..." I repeatedly knocked, "Elisha open the door!"

"What do you want?" She came out, eyes very swollen.

She had been crying.

"I'm sorry. Im so sorry. I shouldn't have..."

"Bennet just stop!" She snapped, holding the door to deny me access, "One moment you love me then the next, you would rather us date other people. Which one is it exactly?"

"I'm sorry." I held her hand, only to have it yanked away in disgust.

I deserved it.

"You're apologising but not answering my question. What do you want from me Bennet?"

"I don't know what's wrong with me, okay! How can I explain to you how I feel when I don't even know? One minute, I love you and want to work things out then the next, I'd rather flight than fight because I'm scared of hurting you."

"Then why don't you speak to me about how you feel instead of acting on not well though of decisions. Why are you shutting me out?"

Six agonizing seconds went by as she impatiently waited for my reply.

"Bennet I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of sleeping on a wet, stained pillowcase. I want to smile again. I want to be happy."

Blinking a few times, I pulled my gaze to her. An unpredictable look danced across her eyes which made my pounding heart feel like it may escape through my throat.

"Stop throwing tantrums like a little child. Stop breaking things off because guess what...we're not dating, we're married. We're one. We are inseparable. And although we may sign a piece of paper, what God has joined no signature can break. No lawyers can break nor court can break."

She gazed into my eyes intently, begging me to say something, anything.

"And here I am again, feeling like I'm the one fighting for this marriage." Peals of chuckles expelled from her lips as her button nose flared."I shouldn't have to be the bigger person. It's always up to me even though it shouldn't be. Why must I constantly do the fixing?"

"Don't say that. " I interjected.

"Then assure me! I need reassure!" Frustration swelled in her chest as the  words slipped from her lips before she could stop them. "Show me that you're fighting too because in this moment, I don't see nor feel it. Prove to me that you're serious. Words can only take you so far but it's your actions that matter."

I swallowed hard. "Then what do you want me to do?" I questioned. "What will it take for you to feel assured?"

"Just love me. Love me unconditionally with everything you've got. Fall in love with me every single day. Pray for me. Protect me. Don't focus on materials but comfort my heart. Be there. Experience the good and bad with me. It's so simple but it means the world."

Her face softened as she heaved a deep sigh. Unclasping her hand from the door, she stepped out the room and leaned against the doorframe. A braid separated itself from the rest and laid on her shoulder, her tiara still shining under the lights.

"I miss our little moments." I faintly heard her voice. "Us laying on the couch on a cold night, watching our favourite TV show until I pass out. You dragging me to bed and me fighting back, telling you that I'm not tired and I wasn't sleeping."

A faint smile spread on my face as I recalled the clear memory.

"And you telling me to return you back to where I found you." I added, receiving a light chuckled which lightened the tense mood a bit.

"The simple things." She flaunted her enrapturing smile.

It almost amazed me how beautiful she could be. How precious her existence was.

"I hope you know that I'm going for fight for us, okay." I spoke up. "And you're not alone in this. I'm here for you."

Before she could say a word, her eyes focused on something down the passage, trying to hide behind a wall.

There were two young boys, one with long brunnet hair and the other with blonde and striking blue eyes, peeking pass the wall.

"I think you've got some fans." Elisha waved them over, beaming as their little legs thumped rapidly and loudly against the carpet. "And I think I should head to bed. Its been a long day."

Grabbing hold of the door, she stepped back into the room and started closing the barrier. "Good night Ben." She hushed, her chocolate eyes twinkling under the light as her mouth curved into a grin.

"Goodnight Elisha. "


Hello beautiful people ✝️

Your favourite inconsistent author is back and better than ever😭😭😭!!! I know that I have published a chapter in ages and centuries but the exam period is over and I shall now give you my attention.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember....


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