Chapter 25

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Elisha's POV:

Shortly after we left the cafè with the stalkish barista, we arrived at my mom's mountain house in Northern Canada.

It still amazed me how big and alluring it looked, especially with the snow on the roof and the breathtaking mountain view from the back. Yes, it wasn't as open and spacious as the farm but it gave a home-away-from-home feeling that was hard to find.

There were logs of wood at the front, bundled up together in a stack for the fireplace inside. A big driveway made of stone, circled all the way around the house and stretched to the road.

"Home sweet home!" My mother exhaled, turning off the car. "It's been quite the morning."

"It sure has." I agreed, collecting my possessions.

Walking out of the vehicle and into the cozy house, I let the warm heat engulf my freezing body. Swiping away the soft snowflakes off my jacket then blowing hot air into my palms, I made my way to the kitchen to increase the heat temperature of the house.

Something isn't right, my brain noted.

It felt like there was an uninvited person inside. A white charger layed on the kitchen counter which didn't belong to me nor my mother. The TV remote was placed on the couch instead of the coffee table, where I had distinctly left it. There was a trail of wet shoes on the wooden floor, circling all over the place.

Something was not right.

"Is anyone there!?" I yelled out loud, waiting for a response.

Stepping out the kitchen to see the possible intruder, a person lunged onto my back and attacked me with kisses all over my head and face. It felt like I was drowning but on oxygen.

"Did you miss me?" Said a distinct voice which I knew very well.

"Brie?!" I confirmed, looking up to be greeted by curly hair.

"Surprise!" She jumped off my back and pulled me into a suffocating hug.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my brain not believing that she was here standing in front of me.

My mother entered the house with a huge, satisfied grin on her face. "I thought you might need a friend to talk to so I invited Brie to come for a few days."

"Are you surprised?" She asked, her face stretching into an even bigger grin.

"Yeah!!" I covered my mouth in shocked, "I thought she was an intruder! The Jackie Chan in me was about to come out!"

Brielle's mouth dropped to the floor as she released a chuckle.

"Go to your room and talk about whatever girls talk about, I'll be in the kitchen making you a little snack." My mom shoved us out the room.

"Ok." I said, running up the stairs like two high school girls with Brielle.

Tossing ourselves on the king size bed and kicking off our boots, we squeaked in excitement as we again embraced each other. We hadn't seen one another for weeks but it felt like centuries.

"So how have you been holding up with the Ben situation, your miscarriage and Lupus." Brielle asked, tugging a strand of hair away from her face.

"I've been really good actually." I nodded in agreement, "If you asked me this question a few weeks ago though, I would been an emotional crying wreck."

"Was it that bad?" Her brows perched up.

"If you're talking about eating nothing for a whole week, locking yourself in your room and just crying, smashing your phone against the wall because social media keeps rambling about how your husband cheated on you with a co-worker then I guess yes."

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