Chapter 3

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Elisha's POV:

Samuel Valentino. My body couldn't help but tense up at the sight in front of me. Never in a million years did I expect this moment to ever occur.

Standing in front of me was the first boy whom I had ever loved. The person who was responsible for my beaming smile growing up. All the memorable moments we shared together flashed through my head as I stood still in my spot.

"What are you doing here?"

He asked with wide open eyes.

"Im the new pediatrician." I replied, taken aback, " What are you doing here?"

My eyebrows knitted together as I studied him.

"Im the surgeon and owner of this place."

I dropped the portfolio I was carrying and froze like ice. Not only was my ex my colleague but he was also my boss. Great.

"I should have known!"

I mentally yelled at myself for failing to put two and two together.

"What did you say."

He asked, seeing me ramble to myself.


I quickly shut down question and picked up the portfolio.

Even though I was completely over Samuel and had absolutely no feelings for him,what-so-ever, it still felt excruciatingly awkward being in the same room after so many years.

"How are you doing?"

He tried cutting the tension with a question.

"Umm good."

I responded, drumming my fingers on the portfolio out of anxiousness.

"Long time no see, hey?"

He pulled out the chair in front of him and took a seat.

"You can say that again."

I chuckled nervously as I copied his action and took a seat in front of me.

"The last time we saw each other was probably like... 9 years ago."

Resting his arms on the organised desk, you could see the scar he had since childhood peeking out of his ocean blue shirt.

"Yes actually."

I continuously nodded in agreement.

"And you still haven't changed one bit." He gave a half smile, "Still the beautiful and radiant Elisha Bedford."

"It's actually Choi....Elisha Choi."

I corrected.

"So you married?"

His voice carried a sense of shock and amusement as he spoke.

"Yes ! And very much happy."

I spoke up, trying to shut down the conversation and get back to business but he continued with his questionnaire.

"How long has it been?"

"A little over 6 months. We are still in the honeymoon phase, as some people might say."

"Trust me, I know a lot about that."

His voice lowered and carried a sense of unbearable pain.

I looked at his left hand for any traces of a ring but the finger was empty. Strangely thought, he had the initials C.G.V. tattooed on it.

"How has life been treating you?"

I shifted the focus to him.

"Life is is great."

His answer was so dry and  and empty. It made it hard for me to believe that he was actually telling the truth.

After so many years, Samuel still found it hard to express his feelings and let people in. I didn't want to seem pushy or make him uncomfortable so I chose to not confront him.

"Your husband is a really lucky guy to have a beautiful wife like you."

Clicking the pen in his hand, he spoke in a hurt tone. You could tell that there was something lurking in his mind causing him pain as he confessed.

"I hope he is." Was the only thing I managed to say.

"He has to be."

There was a long, awkward and deafening silence again. Samuel just kept drilling his hazel eyes in me and staring deep into my pupil. After feeling a bit uncomfortable, I cleared my throat which took him out of his thoughts.

Jumping out of his seat and pushing back his slick hair, he cleared his throat too.

"Im so sorry for staring, I got carried away with my thoughts."

He apologized.

"Welcome to Luna Rose Children's Hospital." He extended his hand which I gladly shook, "I hope that you have a great first day and fit in well with the family."

He let go of my hand and turned to get something off a shelf. I took this opportunity to release the air which was caught in my throat. I could barely breathe with him inspecting every inch of me.

"This has all the information that you need to know about the work place and the regulations." He plopped a thick file in front of me ,"I'll call someone to give you a quick tour around the place."

After I took the file, he spoke through an intercom and commanded someone from the 6th floor by the name of Rachel to come to his office.

I stood up from my seat and got ready to head out with Rachel.

"Thank you so much for having me. It's quite a huge place I have to say but I'll get used to it."

"No problem."

He nodded then took a seat and headed back to work on papers he was previously working on.

Hello beautiful people ✝️



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