Chapter 24

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Elisha's POV:

"Excuse me, is this place taken?" A man spoke, making me peel my eyes off the book in my hand and face him.

Not bad looking, my mind silently noted.

He had bold, luring grey eyes with long hair that was styled neatly with gel. His right cheek had a deep dimple that was accompanied by two beauty spots below each eye. A walking statue he was, to say the least.

"Unfortunately yes sir." I replied, returning the nervous smile that played on his face, "But if you want this table then I'll gladly go sit somewhere else."

"Oh no need for that." He stopped me from packing up, "I just wanted to tell you that you look very pretty and have a gorgeous smile."

My heart flustered a bit. "Well thank you very much." I nodded, doing a little curtsey in my chair.

"So... would this beautiful lady mind having coffee with me tommorow morning, same time and place?" His jaw was strong and tightly clenched while his nervous smile grew bigger. "All costs will be handled by me and all you need to do is bring yourself. So what do you think? Is it a yes or a life-changing no that you'll regret forever."

Crossing his arms, he patiently waited for a response with an arrogant but playful grin.

As I was about to lift my hand to show my ring, I remembered that it was with Ben in Texas and our marriage, if I could call it that, was hanging on by a thread.

I had grown so accustomed to just revealing my ring and chasing away any bachelor, that it almost felt weird to not have it anymore.

Retrieving my hand back to its previous position, I faced the man before me with a tugged smile.

"Although that sounds very fun and tempting," I started, "unfortunately, I will have to pass. I'm a married woman."

The man's eyes shot open at the revelation. His mouth dropped to the floor as he tried to collect words to say.

"I'm so sorry." He apologised, "I had no idea you were married, I couldn't see a ring."

Biting back my explanation, I simply smiled politely, not wanting to explain the situation that I, myself, couldn't explain.

"That's a bummer." He muttered, looking around the cafe with a little frown, "But I respect your decision and your marriage. I hope you have a good day Mrs...."

"Choi." I replied, a wave of discomfort hitting me as I said the surname. "And I hope you also enjoy your day..."

"Asher," He said. "The name's Asher."

"Then have a good day Asher." I emphasized his name at the end.

"You too Mrs Choi," he smiled then exited the building with a cup of coffee and a donut in his hand.

"Hectic." I sighed, returning to my book which layed on the table, face down.

"And then...who was he?" I heard my mother speak from behind, carrying a tray of delicious baked goods which made my stomach grumble.

"Just a guy." I shrugged, "He came by to tell me I looked beautiful. Nothing much."

Even though there was nothing special about the exchange, I could see from my peripheral vision, the corner of my mother's mouth curving into a mischievous smirk that I knew very well and wasn't fond of.

"Looks like I gave birth to a magnet," She raised a brow, taking a seat, "Every Canadian guy seems attracted to you somehow. How many times have you been stopped today? Three times or is it four."

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