Chapter 26

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Elisha's POV.

"Zach?" She muttered the name, her face stoic and expressionless.

"But that's only if you're comfortable  talking about it." I interjected, not wanting to force her into anything.

Clutching the navy-blue pillow besides her that matched the bedding, she pressed it onto her chest, tilted her head and heaved out a heavy sigh, something she always did when in deep thought.

A good few seconds went by until she decided to speak up. "I don't like reading my books backwards. Zach is just another character in the first chapter of my life and now, I'm currently on chapter 26. Some things are meant to be left in the past."

"But you were so in-love?" I contradicted, "I guess the question that I'm asking myself is how? How did everything just end in one night?"

I know I was asking for a lot of details but I couldn't comprehend what big event would cause them to breakup. They genuinely looked happy together. They loved each other.

Where there was Brielle, there was Zach. Where there was Zach, there was Brielle. They were completely inseparable, always breathing each other's air to be exact.

"It was something that was bound to happen in a matter of time." Brielle expressed, "Our relationship was on shaky terms. We started drifting apart and becoming different people. Zach wasn't happy and you could tell. Maybe he smiled in front of other people but when it was just us two, he was gloomy. He wasn't interested in me, in us as a couple."

"The night of the family dinner, we got into a pretty heated argument. I was angry because he didn't stand up for me but mostly at Gemma, because what she said had some truth to it. Zach didn't see a future with me and wasn't going to propose. It was a given. So after many hours of tears, screams, insults and broken glasses, we decided to go our separate ways."




"So you gonna act like nothing happened?" Brielle fumed, growing tired of the silence between her and the driver."The least you could have done is say something or have my back!"

"And why would I have your back when you're in the wrong?" Zach spoke ever so calmly, his tone adding more fury to the raging Brielle.

Her thick, curly hair was all jumbled up, her dress ripped up to her thigh from the heated altercation she had gotten into with Gemma.

"I'm in the wrong?" A hint of craziness soared in her eyes, "What do you mean I'm wrong? Did you hear what she said about me, about you and your previous feelings for Elisha? What kind of a girlfriend would sit around and listen to that!?"

A dry laugh came out of his lips."See there, that's what I'm talking about. The issue was between Elisha and Gemma, there was no need for you to put your little two cents."

"Elisha is my friend and I will forever have her back! What's wrong with that?" Tears brimmed her eyes as she awaited for his explanation.

She had always been the type of person who seemed head strong and independent at first glance, but in reality, she had a tender heart that loved a lot but got hurt the same amount.

"Yes it's good that you have your friends' back but what you did was embarrasing. You didn't have to pop off like that."

"The only time I popped off was when she said 'women like me' and started comparing me to Elisha." She elaborated, feeling misunderstood and judged, "And don't act like you would've reacted differently when you know the history you have with her!"

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