Chapter 45

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Bennet's POV:

Our family and friends stood around the round, wooden table as I grabbed Elisha's hand with excitement.

Their eyes gawked at us with confusion as inaudible murmurs filled the jam packed room.

It had been two month since we uncovered one of the best news in our lives and now, we were going to share it with everyone.

Trusted friends. Family. My loyal teammates. And everyone who had been there from the beginning and stuck with us.

"Can I please have everyone's attention!" Elisha exclaimed although everyone had their eyes already set on her.

I could feel her squeeze my hand a little tighter, one of the many things she did when nervouse.

"Im sure you're all wondering why I've invited you here on this lovely Saturday afternoon."

Everyone nodded in agreement which made Elisha peal a light chuckle.

"Well..." She bounced on her two feet ecstatic, wearing a mischeivous grin  as she played with the hem of her red floral dress. "We have some great news to show you but unfortunately it's not here. Can everyone follow me to the garden please?"

"The garden?!" Everyone exclaimed, turning to each other and whispering again.

"What are you kids planning exactly?" My father asked with narrowed eyes.

I could sense his suspicions and they were true. I could tell he had an idea of what was going on but didn't quite want to say it yet.

"Dad just follow us. We promise, it's nothing crazy."

"If a clown jumps out of nowhere, I will not be held responsible for punching it in the face. I gave it a warning and it didn't take it."

Everyone laughed at his silly remark as he held up his fists in defense, surveying his surroundings with a face filled with mistrust and uptightness. You could tell he was doing this to lighten up the confused and tense mood.

"There is no clown." I stated, pushing his hands down. "We would have called it out a while ago."

And with that, Elisha graced us with a polite smile and guided us out the sliding door and to the green dominated garden.

From the distance, you could see brown, white and golden balloons hung all over a white wallpaper with confetti sprawled all over the grass.

In the middle, stood a large projection board and on the screen was a picture of Elisha at her first Gynecologist checkup, and two silhouette imagines of the two, tiny human beings we were carrying.

As we got closer to the sight, the more people realised what was going on and expelled loud gasps as they're trembling hands clutched their mouths shut.

Fear turned into confusion and soon confusion turned into joy as they read the big banner that greeted their enlarged eyes.


"What!!!???" Brielle was the first to scream, running to check if the news were true. That her eyes weren't deceiving her. That she was going to be an aunt.

But however many times she squinted or bulged her eyes out, the words remained the same, spelling the same sentence.

And it was in that moment that she turned around and her mouth dropped to the floor.

"Shut the front door! Is it true?!" She turned to Elisha who was in tears already.

She gave a slight nod and the two jumped into an each other's embrace, screaming at the top of both their lungs.

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