Chapter 44

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Elisha's POV:

Back against the cold marble wall. Stomach curling and twisting with anxiety. Eyes welling with tears of the unknown and fingers drumming uncontrollably on the sink.

I didn't know how much time went by but every second felt like eternity. 

I would sit on the toilet seat and after two second, get up on my feet again and pace around. Fear making my mind unable to think or reason properly.

Two minutes left, my phone alerted as I kept glancing at the four pregnancy sticks that stared back at me.

This was it. This was the moment of truth.

Although the closed door acted as a barrier, I could still hear Ben, frantically pacing up and down the hallway, which didn't seem to ease my sky-rocketing nerves at all.

It was safe to say that although I was shaking in my pants, he was on the verge of losing it.

"How many minutes left?" His voice wobbled, sounding extremely shaky.

"One and a half ! "



"That will  be seventy-five dollars ?" The cashier said as he grabbed a plastic bag to insert our goods. "Will that be all?"

My eyes surveyed every shelf and corner of the store. Where was it? Last time I had checked, it was by the register till but now, it had completely disappeared.

"Yes that's all." Ben replied, reaching out for his wallet and pulling out a card.

"Wait!" I grabbed his hand lightly, preventing him from paying just yet. "Can I go grab something real quick."

He passed me a puzzled look."What do you want to grab?"

"I'll be right back." I replied, ditching him and heading to the back of the tiny store.

Endlessly walking throught the aisles of the gas station with my hands buried in my pockets, a knot formed in my stomach as I stared at the product I came for.

The shelves was covered in pregnancy tests, all from different brands and more advanced as the prices went up.

Was this real? Was I really pregnant?

The signs and symptoms were there: nausea, exhaustion, morning sickness, swelling, hating the smell of certain foods or things that I liked before and the biggest warning yet....missing my period.

How could I be so naive? I was 3 weeks late. My menstruation app had even warned me but I was too busy spewing my lunch to check.

And although everything pointed to being pregnant, I didn't want to have my hopes high. I'd already gone through a miscarriage so a false alarm would be devastating.

Plus, I knew Ben. If I'd deliver the news early, without confirmation, his heart would be shattered if it was just one line. Though he would try to be strong for me, he would be breaking inside.

"What are you doing?" I heard a low voice in my ear, making me jolt up and turn around.

It was Ben with a basket of snacks in his hand.

Was this a good time to run?

"Bear!" I tried to regain my ability to speak and will to breath. "I was...."

"You were?" His brows creased together as he gawked at me in suspicion.

Gulp. My throat swallowed hard. I could hear the vibration of my heart as his eyes wondered to the pregnancy test box in my hand.

He wasn't going to let this matter go.

"I think I'm pregnant!" I confessed in one breath. "And that's why I'm feeling sick."

"You're what?!" His eyes bulged out of their socket as if he'd seen a horrific scene. "How?"





"Breath Elisha." I had to keep reminding myself. "Breath. Slowly but surely. Steady."

My phone buzzed in that moment, indicating that the six minutes had passed and the results were ready.

"Here's to the moment of truth." I silently said, with trembling hands, flipping the four sticks over.




I stared at the last stick remaining.

Bringing it closer to my eyes, I took a deep breath before counting the number of lines.


Two stagnate lines that were as bold as bold could be.

My hand slapped over my mouth and tears spilt. Tears of joy. Tears of relieve. Tears of the anxiety leaving. Tears of realizing that I was going to be a mother again. Tears that God had finally delivered in his own time and will. Tears of feeling blessed.

"Bear! Bear! Bear!" I yanked the bathroom door open, my feet thumping against the hardwood flooring. "Bennet Lorenzo Choi!!"

I found him turned to the wall, hands resting at the top of his head as he silently prayed.

"Bennet!" His head snapped at the sound of my voice and mention of his name.

"What does it say?!" He asked panicky, rushing to me.

"WE'RE PREGNANT!" I cried, leaping into his arms. "WE'RE PREGNANT! WE'RE PREGNANT! WE'RE PREGNANT!"

His mouth practically hung open in shock.

Taking the four, positive sticks in his hand, he studied each and every one. "I'm going to be a dad?" He said softly.

"Close your mouth. You're going to attract flies." I teased but didn't receive a reaction from him.

He was quiet. Too quiet. Awfully quiet. I expected him to be jumping around, dancing, screaming out the window but no. He simply stared at the test sticks and never uttered a single word.

Was this a normal reaction?

"Are you good, Bear?" I whispered but he remained as still as a rock.

I was beginning to get worried.

But then, silent tears fell down his face, staining his cheeks and preventing his words.

They were not because he was sad.


Rather they were full of his unexpressed emotions.

"Are you kidding me! I'm so happy!" He chuckled a bit, sniffling. "I'm finally going to be a father. I'm finally going to be called dad."


Hello beautiful people ✝️

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter.


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