Chapter 21

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Elisha's POV:

Closing the door behind me and locking the car, I walked into the entrance of the airport. Although, I looked cool, calm and collected on the outside, deep down I was a nervous wreck.

It's been a month since I've spoken to Bennet and things weren't looking good for us. Matter of fact, I doubt we were still married.

The way he has completely broken and embarrassed me in front of the whole world is something I will never be able to heal from. He has proven to me, once again, that he doesn't care nor have respect for me as his wife and a significant person in his life.

And the worst part is that no matter the amount of pain he puts me through, I still love him and choose him. I still, without a doubt, care about him more than I care for myself. I continue reading articles about his public affair and still hope that he'll come running back to me.

"Elisha!" I heard a familiar voice call my name from behind.

"Harry!" I turned around and ran for the 6ft5 giant.

Jumping into his brotherly embrace, I pulled back once I realised his swollen right eye and cut lip. He flinched when I grabbed hold of his hand that consisted of swollen and grazed knuckles.

"Oh my...what happened to you?" I gasped, staring at him in horror.

"It's just a scratch." He shrugged, "Nothing I can't handle."

"Did you get into a fight?" I interrogated, reaching out my hand to examine the scar beneath his brow.

It was shallow but it needed medical attention or a band aid. The doctor in me so badly wanted to grab a first aid kit and cater it.

"Im fine okay." He removed my hand from his face, "Don't worry about me. Its just a little scrape."

"You sure?" I seeked confirmation.

"Yes. " He exhaled, chuckling at my overprotective mode. "I've been through worse."

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I decided to let it go.

"Have you seen Ben." I questioned, looking around for any sign of the missing man.

"" Harry shook his head in response, looking around for him too.

After a few seconds of searching, I finally gave up and decided to start another conversation with the man in front of me who was looking over my head with wide eyes.

Turning around to check what was going on, my body tensed up at the scene in front of me. Walking hand-in-hand out of the airport was Gemma and Bennet flooded by the paparazzi.

I could feel my stomach turn as they stood at the exit, inching closer to each other until their lips connected. Time seemed to stop as I watched them passionately kiss, not caring about what people said.

Shutting my eyes and taking a deep breath, I fought the urge to breakdown infront of Harry and his teammates, who looked at me with great pity.

"Once he's done with whatever he's doing, please tell him that I'll be waiting in the car." I requested and walked away.

How could he? How could he stoop that low? How could he embarrass me this much infront of the whole world and feel good about himself. Who was he? Cause he was definitely not my husband.

Entering my black Range Rover, I slammed the door shut and finally let the river of tears stream down.

All the newspaper headlines, articles and pictures of Bennet's affair flooded my mind and shoved me in a dark place. It physically burnt me seeing him with her.

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