Chapter 2

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Elisha's POV

Looking out the window, I stared at the massive building standing in front of me. It was a white hospital with windows littered at every side, most likely being the different patient rooms. You could tell that the front area was frequently worked on, because of the way the grass was evenly spread across with the same shade of green. I stretched my neck to look at the top part with a sign written, Luna Rose Children's Hospital.

"You've got this Elisha." I cheered myself on, "You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you."

Taking the last deep breath, I hesitantly pushed open the door and walk to the entrance.

Listening to the rhythmic click of my heels meeting the ground, my heart steadied as confidence seized my whole body.

"After you ma'am."

Said an elderly man from a distance.

He opened the door ajar for me with a shimmering smile that showed the wrinkles around his eye.

"Thank you so much sir."

I ran to the door, not wanting to make him wait and returned the bright smile.

"It's so good to see that chivalry still exists today."

I giggled and entered the building.

Wondering my eyes around the unfamiliar environment, I searched for the reception desk until I spotted it near the busy elevators where visitors, doctors and nurses huddled together.

Swiftly walking to the desk, I hoped that the lady working there was very kind and respectful, unlike most receptionist whom I have stumbled across.

Feeling my presence and hearing the sound of my heels, the lady sitting on the desk tore her eyes from the computer screen and beamed at me.

"Good morning ma'am, how may I help you today.

She spoke in a cheerful manner.

"Hi my name is Elisha Bedford, I mean Elisha Choi and I'm the new paediatrician."

I rubbed my temple in frustration because I still hadn't gotten used to my new name.

"Did you say Elisha Choi?"

The female asked with wide eyes.


I confirmed as the smile on her face stretched out even more, revealing her two dimples that sat on her chubby cheeks.

"The wife of Bennett Choi, Elisha Choi."

She squeaked in excitement, drumming her hands on the desk.


I simply nodded.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you." She jumped out her seat, extending her hand, "My name is Heather and I'm the receptionist as you can see."

I pulled out my hand and shook hers.

"Nice to meet you Heather."

I greeted with the same amount of enthusiasm.

Heather had dark olive skin and large, hazel eyes which glowed with happiness. Her head was covered in auburn wavy hair that sat on her shoulders and she seemed to be in her early 20s.

You could tell that she was a happy and lively person by the way she smiled after every sentence. It took me by surprise actually because I hadn't expected to meet someone this kind and easy-going. You could tell she really loved her job by the way she was filled with energy.

"The media truly doesn't lie when they say you're beautiful."

Her eyes blazed with admiration as they lit up.

"And look at your hair." She gasped, "it's so beautiful and curly."

I couldn't do anything except scratch the nape of my neck and smile awkwardly at the interaction.

"My brother and I were at the NFL game where Bennet proposed to you and we left in tears. It was honestly one, if not the best proposals in sports history."

She emphasized the word and used large hand gestures.

"Thank you."

I pursed my lips and played with the diamond ring on my finger.

"Have you ever tried modelling?"

She interrogated again, furrowing her eyebrows.

"No actually, I have no experience in that department."

I shook my head repeatedly.

"Well if you ever change your mind, let me know. I do photography on the side and would be blessed to have a shoot with you."

I felt very flattered by her compliment. Yes, Ben told me that I was beautiful everyday and I also believe so, but it feels really good when you hear it from someone else from time to time.

"You have very strong yet delicate facial features and your hair is just amazing."

She threw all kinds of compliments my way that I couldn't handle anymore.

"And you are drop dead gorgeous yourself."

I complimented and noticed her adjusting her glasses from embarassment.

"It says here on the email." She shifted her focus to the computer screen, " that you should go to the 3rd floor to Mr Valentino's office. He will introduce you to your new work place and what is expected of you as an employee."

"Thank you Heather and I hope we get to know each other better."

I walked off and did a little wave before her desk disappeared into the distance.

Entering the empty elevator, I pressed the 3rd floor and waited for it to stop. Once the doors opened, I was greeted to a calmer work place where there wasn't a lot of chaotic movement.

"Mr Valentino."

I repeated in my head as I passed many room but not seeing the one I was instructed to.

"Mr Valentino!"

I exclaimed, finally standing in front of the instructed door.

Taking a few steps closer, I knocked and waited for a reply.

"Come in."

Commanded a male inside.

Quickly praying a silent prayer, I took a deep breath and turned the knob.

"Hi Mr Valentino."

I chirped friendly as I shut the door behind me.

"Oh Good morning Mrs Choi."

He replied flatly, not taking his eyes off the papers in his hands.

I don't know if my head was playing mind games with me but I felt like I had meant Mr Valentino before. His voice sounded a little too familiar for my liking.

Grabbing the cup of coffee on his desk, he chugged down a large amount then shifted his gaze to me.

Our eyes meant and I felt like I was in a dream. My body froze in one position and all air got sucked out of my lungs. After so many years I never thought I would see him again. I thought he was simply history and a blurry memory from my past.


I exclaimed astonished.



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