Chapter 36

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Ben's POV:

The longer I stare, the harder it is to believe that she's all mine.

Her hair was let loose in its natural state with a white bandana wrapped around her pretty, little head. Playing with the strings of my oversize, black hoodie, happiness blazed in her chestnut eyes as she leaned the car seat backwards, getting into a comfortable sleeping position.

An hour has passed since we left Mrs Bedford's house. Racing against time to get away from the brewing snow storm, we listened to the radio as reporters announced the mild conditions that hadn't injured nor killed anyone yet. And although the weather seemed to on our side for a short while, precautions and safety measures were still adviced.

"Hey Bear." Elisha called with slightly pouted lips and splayed hair, "Would you still love me if I were a cockroach?"

A silly smirk spread across her face as  her gaze fell upon me.

Not this again, I thought to myself.

Early on in our marriage, I've discovered that Elisha is a beautiful, God fearing woman who has a tendency of asking abnormally strange questions on long roadtrips or late night drives.

It reached a point where nothing she said seemed to shock me anymore as I'd already gotten used to that unpredictable side of her.

"A cockroach." I repeated, wondering if my own ears weren't deceiving me.

"Yeah! Would you still love me if I were a cockroach."

Chuckling at the absurdity of it all, I stroke my chin as if in deep thought.

"I mean...probably not." I shrugged, "You can't marry a cockroach. You can't make babies with a cockroach. You can't speak to a cockroach, which is beneficial to sum extent because you've been talking a lot of crazy things lately."

A dramatic gasp ripped from her red-painted lips, followed by a melodious laugh as she tilted her head back in amusement, playfully hitting my chest.

"May the chocolate chips in your cookies always turn out to be raisins." She threw a well-mannered insult.

"And may you forever feel your phone vibrating in your pocket." I bit back but keeping my eyes steady on the road.

Silent snow flakes fell on the sidewalks, the ground appearing to be covered with a crystal white sheet.

Mountains, massive and immobile, stared down at the small-town called Churchill. The sky, painted clear grey, showing no signs of clouds.

Everything was just...perfect.

"So you wouldn't love me!" Elisha returned to the previous conversation, placing her hand over mine and giving it a light peck.

I internally swooned at her action.

"No, I wouldn't. I really wouldn't."

A few more minutes flew by with us just chatting and sharing heaps of laughter until we eventually fell into a comfortable silence. The type of silence where everything but nothing is said at the same time.

A sweet melody floated from the radio, allowing us to bop our heads to the beat of the rhythm.

Looking out the window with her head placed on the palm of her hand, Elisha suddenly jolted up. "Why didn't you take the turn?" She questioned with a quizzical look.

"Because we're going somewhere else." I kept a straight face, trying to not laugh at her facial expression.

"Where?" Her head snapped in my direction.

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