Chapter 8

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Bennet's POV:

Gemma. That name alone sent shivers down my spine like a zillion electric eels. As my knees bobbled up and down underneath the table, I couldn't help but continuously glance at the wall clock then back at the entrance. The thought of her walking through those doors and ruining this warm and relaxed atmosphere petrified me.

What if she says something inappropriate or insulting to one of our guests, she's always found difficulty in biting her tongue. What would happen if...

"Bear!" Elisha's voice took me out of my internal rampage. "Are you sure you're good?"

Worry filled her eyes as she inspected every inch of my face, tracking down any sign of discomfort or sadness. Fastening her hand with mine underneath the long dinner table, she gave me a gleaming smile as her eyes met with mine.

"Yeah! Why are you asking?" I returned a faked a smile that hardly reached my eyes.

"Because your quieter than usual and its stressing me out!"

She moved her hand and placed it on my sweaty forehead, checking if I had the slightest temperature increase that indicated a fever. You would think that she'd have enough of taking care of people at work but no.

A faint smile trickled on my face as I admired how she pouted her lips in concentration, roaming her fingers around my face.

"Keep it PG over there!" Warned my father from the other side of the table, smirking at Elisha and I.

"Try to focus on your food." Ms Bedford winked. "Some of us are trying to devour the delicious meal and not..." She stopped herself mid sentence.

The two mischievous grown ups gave each other a proud smirk, knowing they'd succeeded in focusing the rooms attention on us.

"Chubs I'm fine." I affirmed. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

Slowly, I grabbed her delicate hand and removed it from my face. "Trust me." I nodded.

Although she seemed a bit hesitant at first, she finally let go and gave me the benefit of a doubt, though the scowl on her face never leaving.

It seemed as if my actions hurt her because she moved her chair a little further from mine, creating some distance between us. Her jaw clutched tight as she swirled the orange beverage in her glass.

"Chubs?" I said in an undertone receiving the silent treatment in return.

Yep, she was definitely angry.

"If you wont talk to me then you leave me no choice." I announced.

Grabbing the leg of her chair, I pulled her towards my direction and closed the gap between us. Her body stood still from shock as my arm gradually slithered around her neck and pulled her head to lay on my shoulder. The corner of her mouth twitched as I kissed the temple of her head.

"There they go again!" Everyone groaned in unison but Brielle taking the lead."Busy acting like two love sick puppies. Can't we get a break? It's been three years and they're still in the honeymoon phase."

"And the funny part is I've never seen them fight at all." Grandma Linda added her observation which was completely false.

Elisha and I have never had a serious fight but that doesn't mean we don't have our moments. With her fiesty personality and my quick mouth there is bound to be some drama, but we decided to always deal with our issues before they got blown out of proportion.

"Not every marriage starts off like how ours did." Intervined Grandpops, catching his wife off guard. "Some people don't lack communication skills like us."

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